
Showing posts from May, 2024

Bourgeois actor Robert DeNiro is filthy rich, I feel NO sympathy for his supposed 'money issues'

Robert Deniro is worth $500 million, he has more money than over 99.9 percent of our country and planet. He has no right to complain about supposed 'money issues'.  He has no money issues Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and suffering due to consumer price index, Donald Trump and Joe Biden's economic system (same system different paint) not doing enough for consumer confidence. There is a homeless crisis in our country, there are asylum seekers and refugees lacking shelter due to migration policies, we have illegal immigrants overwhelming our cities and rising prices up.  Most Americans are struggling financially and Robert DeNiro has hundreds of millions of dollars and he has mansions and everything anyone can want. I speak for all Americans and the world when I say we don't give a fuck about super bourgeois fat cat Robert Deniro's supposed 'money issues' (I.e Deniro not being even richer) “Mr De Niro is 77 years old, and while he loves his c

I am against the way Joe Biden pulled out of Afghanistan and the fact the US occupied that country in the first place

 I am against the way Joe Biden pulled out of Afghanistan and the fact the US occupied that country in the first place  This article admits that the Afghan pull out and 20 year US occupation of Afghanistan by the US were full of mistakes

Stop Anti Jewish hate  This is an anti semetic hate crime and this thug should be charged with a hate crime. His bail should be 100,000 or 400,000 dollars. I will ruin the lives of anyone who disagrees with me

Say yes to marriages for teens 15 to 17 in the US, don't allow Neolibs to ban it

 If children can choose their gender and be exposed to LGBTQ porn and drag queens then we should allow 15 to 17 year olds to be able to get married in all 50 US states (which is something I plan on forcing upon the US) Banning 15 to 17 year olds from getting married in the US is anti child discrimination and violates their rights. It prevents their emanicipation and is used by neoliberal, bourgeois trolls to add another badge to their woke mantle I plan on forcing the New Jersey government to allow teens 16 and 17 to get married , with consent of some form. New Jersey is one of the most restrictive states for true human rights in the US and I have to stop such abuses by them The campaign against 15 to 17 year olds marrying is nothing but the morality police trying to force what they see is right and wrong on society.  Morality is a human construct and there is no proof that 15 to 17 years olds marrying is wrong or bad. Banning 15 to 17 year olds marrying is authoritarian, anti youth, f

I am going to force Saudi Arabia to allow teens 15 to 17 to get married

 Women's rights does not mean restricting children's rights. Liberal feminism and bourgeois feminism should be outlawed in Saudi Arabia with only other forms of feminism allowed Teens 15, 16 or 17 should be allowed to get married in Saudi Arabia , at least ideally if they get parental consent. For Saudi Arabia to ban marriage between 15 and 17 is not only further proof Saudi Arabia is turning into the US's 51st state and continuing to self genocide their culture and religion but also will cause Al Qaeda type radical Muslims to coup d'tat the Saudi King and government and to make Saudi Arabia go really backwards There is nothing wrong with 15 ,16 or 17 year olds being married, Saudi Arabia's policy here is radical, wrong, anti youth and does nothing but sacrifice the rights of its youth in order to whore Saudi Arabia more to the west George Soros for sure has his hand in this with his so called Saudi female agitators.  I am going to force Saudi Arabia to allow 15, 16

Women should not fight on the front lines in Saudi Arabia

Because of the way Saudi Arabia society is built and structured and its unique culture and values,  I am against women being allowed to fight on the front lines in Saudi Arabia. It is good that Saudi Arabia allows women to fight in the military but to allow such a drastic move in light of most other , welcomed women's rights gains in such a short time is short sighted and wrong and can lead to backlash against women's rights there In the US , women didn't fight on the front lines until the Gulf War and our country was fine. Saudi Arabia is allowing liberal feminists to destroy their country with the wrong brand of feminism. Rosie the Rivets, non combat war volunteer women and women non front line soldiers is what should be allowed in Saudi Arabia.  Saudi Arabia is trying to get their women killed by allowing them on the front lines, plus it goes against their country's religious moral values to allow such depravity for their culture. It is nothing but continued Westerni

No no no crime  This guy should be held in custody until trial without bail . He never should have been released after the first victim he assaulted, but the fact he was released after the 2nd attack on a girl is a major injustice and an insult to our criminal justice system There is no proof his attacks were an accident or due to mental issues (which would change my view on this crime) I call on everyone in NYC to surround this dude's house and perform a citizens house arrest on him until trial assuming Alvin  I agree with all parts of this CNN article which match my view on this  Punching a little girl in the face is one of the most savage and evil things a person can do and it is a left wing and liberal thing to want this man to be held without bail til trial, to be convicted and sent to prison for many years and for NYC to toughen their s

Pro Palestinian 'student activists' should not get aide and the idiot who asked for aide for them is a fool

This so called student leader at Columbia is an ignorant, selfish , mindless fool for asking for humanitarian aide for the Pro Palestinian occupiers at Columbia I support humanitarian aide going to Palestine, and yes Israel, but those occupiers at Columbia and other universities do not deserve humanitarian aide. They chose to disrupt campuses and that aide money can be sent to Palestine and Israel to help people affected by the I-P war. This proves that these Columbia University pro Palestine fools don't care really care about Palestinians and they are only doing this trash at campuses around the country for clout and selfish reasons. I advise everyone reading this to block aide from going to 'student' occupiers at college campuses.  Wait "Well uh first of all we’re saying that they should be obligated to provide food for students who pay for a meal plan here.” She then appeared to clarify that the protesters were just asking that the university allow food to be brough

Certain libs need to pay

 If any liberal pro Palestine person wrongly says that pro Israel people or anti protest extremism people should be denied medical service, those people who said such evil, disgusting, things should be arrested and put in prison . I hate anyone who 

I will force everyone to use the word mom/mother no matter what. mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mother mother mother mom mom mom mother mother mother mom mom mmom mom

 I am against the Air Force banning the word 'mom' /'mother' . I am against mother erasure and woman erasure I am so enraged by these woke animals going after one of the best words there is 'mom/mother' I can't write coherently now about this so I will just take a break and write later. I am having a hard time letting these woke thugs destroy our lives, we must go after the university indoctiniration centers, George Soros and others , along with the NPR, Washington Post, Wikipedia, MSNBC and other evil outlets because people are too retarded and stupid to have independent thoughts not spoon fed to them by those fake news, liberal propaganda machines. Humans are so brainwashed it is pathetic and since 2020 their brains have been melted. I cannot stand to see this anymore. It is time to get medival on their asses These far liberal woke retards are taking a positive innocent word (mom/mother) and now are wrongly demonizing it due to their fucked up brain dead i

What we really need to fight against

While I am obviously against the Palestinian rape of Jewish women in Israel , I feel women being killed in Europe by men including by some anti woman right wingers in Spain, and raped by some migrants in Central Europe and women being brutally sucker punched by sexist misgonist, thugs in NYC is what the liberals and progressive activist and their MSM overlords should be drawing attention to, fighting against and for the former, making the core of their feminist activism.   We must protect women from being punched, killed and raped in NYC and in Europe and we need FANTIFA and ANTIFA to do so . We need to force every liberal, progressive and MSM news outlets to condemn such a anti women savagery by such barbarians in NYC and Europe because if they will not do so, it means we must abolish such organizations as soon as possible no matter what methods we must use and no matter how much collateral damage is had from our response.  Sometimes we must die for a cause If they do that we can forg

more points

I am ok with this Buzzfeed article:  . I agree especially with it admitting that some guys pose as Pro Palestine people in order to harass and hurt women by pretending it is for 'Palestinian liberation'. I also am glad they pointed out how Amy Schumer missed the big picture instead of smearing and trashing her like some wokies do. Maybe Buzzfeed idpol Wokeness isn't as bad as I thought.  Buzzfeed itself has been attacked by liberaltard neoliberal establishment filth so I think Buzzfeed needs to continue to transform into a news outlets I can support (it has a very long road though to do so) I will be adding commentary to my previous I-P views and updating in another section due to the fluidness of the I-P 2023-24 conflict Do not trust so called 'experts', 'scientists' or others whom the Liberal 2.0 MSM trots out to back up their liberal 2.0 talking points and to counter conservative views.  Tho

Who we are up against

 This is part of the larger group who are our ideological enemies and whom we need to stop First off, George Soros and his open society foundation (see here   future here here These sick monsters right here (the cross dresser, the kids , the art center and everyone who attended this Sodom and Gommorah trash event) are part of the virus that has been destroying our society, and world and if we do not remove this virus from our society, our society is doomed.  That event and the trolls who attended it are the people we all need to unite against because I am going after them if no one else will These sick degenerate freaks who make kids shout 'Free Palestine' and support and espouse liberal 2.0 pro Palestine rhetoric.  This art center actually is also right wing racist  They do that to force people to be right wing extremists so they have an exc

Woke liberals are now in MAGA territory

 The woke liberals are not your friends They support sexist misogynist men punching and assaulting women in NYC, they turn a blind eye to the rape of Israeli women by Palestinians, in Europe they make excuses for Muslims raping women They call out anti semetism' and neo Nazism but only when it is done by right wingers. When Jewish students are being harassed and made to feel unsafe at college campuses in the US by some bad apple Pro Palestinian, Anti Jewish thugs, they turn a blind eye Liberal hypocrites are just as bad if not worse than MAGA and it is time we put both groups out to pasture to save our country. I am up for that job. Let's do it I echo this article by Adam Kinzinger on this

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a sham and we must shut it down forever

 The Southern Poverty Law Center is a hyper partisan, anti Right Wing, vehicle of the DNC . They only report on what they seem as 'extremism' by right wingers. The SPLC, in line with its divisive, hyper partisan, liberal extremist nature have ignored the rise in Anti Semetism against Jews like on College campuses that is happening since October 7 by some bad apple, agigitator, anti semetic fiends.  This is because such despicable acts have been done by left wing or woke liberal thugs not right wingers The SPLC, is part of the Cathedral and part of the problem in our country . If we want to have unity, peace and stuff we must disband the SPLC because it serves no purpose but to be a mouthpiece of the woke DNC and its Gen Z cabanaboys/girls.    Cassie Miller is anti semetic.. She goes after anti semeties and neo Nazis as she should when they are right wingers, but when they are pro Palestinian hooligans like the ones on college campuses across the US, she not only ignores it but

Stop Anti Semitism

 I support universities adding anti semtism monitors and I applaud Ritchie Torres for doing so I am against anti semetism' and I am against any anti semetism' espoused by any Jewish person at any University or place. If it happens even one time a year it is too much.  Here is the unity I like to see, let's all come together pro Israel, anti Israel/Pro 'Palestine' and go after the real enemies,

Drew Barrymore is a Kamala Harris cultist, and an airhead fool

Drew Barrymore's interview with Kamala Harris was immature, disgraceful, cringe worthy and proof that Drew Barrymore is a net negative for society. I agree with the criticism below of Drew Barrymore's slobber fest I mean 'interview' with Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris is NOT America's mom (though I am glad Drew Barrymore is not brainwashed enough by woke trolls to not use the word mom).  Drew Barrymore is a washed up , never was actress who only got into Hollywood because of nepotism. She is ugly looking (but looks don't matter), airheaded, and a part of everything I despite about pop culture  Though at least Drew Barrymore is smart enough to know that someone 10 years older than her (as Kamala is) is old enough to be her parent. Of course I am so enraged by her interview such silver linings to it might as well not exist. Drew Barrymore is a clown and she is just as evil as her ancestor Lionel Barrymore's character Mr Potter was in A Wonderful Life (I would ra

Double Standards

I will add stuff here reflecting the double standard on anti semitism soon including rebuttals against Mehdi Hassan on this. Hassan is turning into the wrong type of Palestinian supporter UGH Where is the outrage against what some of the however many Anti Israel, pro Palestinian rioters are doing on college campuses in the last few months etc that we had about the January 6 2021 rioters having their temper tantrum which lead to officers dying, stress, drama, disruption etc?   Yup it is progressives doing it so it is ok but when the other side like the January 6 rioters or the Freedom Conovyers or the Anti War (Russia-Ukraine war) protests their is righteous ingination from the globalist fascist filthy trash hyper liberal MSM like the Washington Post, Vox, and other George Soros controlled animals who should be removed from our society .   The MSM and corporations who support some of these out of control protests and evil tactics by the protesters are our enemy, and we must occupy and d

On the university protests by Pro Palestinian, Anti Israel rioters

I support the rights of Pro Palestine protesters to protest peacefully.  But I am against pro Palestinian protesters shutting down bridges, blocking traffic , being antisemetic, harassing and attacking Jewish students, forcebally taking over buildings and destroying property.  I am against the outside agitators who are posing as pro Palestine protesters . I am against protesters trying to goad police into using force on them in order to look like martyrs and make the police look bad The Pro Palestine anti Zionist movement used to be left wing, anti establishment and non woke (or at least non liberal woke), but now it has been corrupted and coopted by *this group of bad actors who have now hijacked it in order to turn it into the Jorge Lloyd Protests 2.0.   I support protest, and I support standing up for innocent people being killed indiscriminately. Everything is not so black and white, but there always seems to be some underlying group of fanatics that can’t help but come to the fore