Drew Barrymore is a Kamala Harris cultist, and an airhead fool

Drew Barrymore's interview with Kamala Harris was immature, disgraceful, cringe worthy and proof that Drew Barrymore is a net negative for society.

I agree with the criticism below of Drew Barrymore's slobber fest I mean 'interview' with Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris is NOT America's mom (though I am glad Drew Barrymore is not brainwashed enough by woke trolls to not use the word mom).  Drew Barrymore is a washed up , never was actress who only got into Hollywood because of nepotism. She is ugly looking (but looks don't matter), airheaded, and a part of everything I despite about pop culture 

Though at least Drew Barrymore is smart enough to know that someone 10 years older than her (as Kamala is) is old enough to be her parent. Of course I am so enraged by her interview such silver linings to it might as well not exist. Drew Barrymore is a clown and she is just as evil as her ancestor Lionel Barrymore's character Mr Potter was in A Wonderful Life (I would rather marry and have and intiment relationship with 146 year old Lionel Barrymore if he was brought back to life than I would with Drew Barrymore by a country mile)

It's time we end Drew Barrymore's pathetic career before this nitwit further details our society along with her woke cultist globalist slave masters

I agree with these articles on Drew' interview with Kamala Harris. The vast majority of Americans are on our side on this over Drew's side. If that is not true, I might have to coup this country to fix it myself (and by the way, if AJ Lee, June Song (from Big Brother) and William Atherton would not support me doing so I will go to their homes and dump buckets of urine over their head until they agree with us on Drew's interview with Kamala).   I am serious and I know where they live 






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