What we really need to fight against

While I am obviously against the Palestinian rape of Jewish women in Israel , I feel women being killed in Europe by men including by some anti woman right wingers in Spain, and raped by some migrants in Central Europe and women being brutally sucker punched by sexist misgonist, thugs in NYC is what the liberals and progressive activist and their MSM overlords should be drawing attention to, fighting against and for the former, making the core of their feminist activism.  

We must protect women from being punched, killed and raped in NYC and in Europe and we need FANTIFA and ANTIFA to do so . We need to force every liberal, progressive and MSM news outlets to condemn such a anti women savagery by such barbarians in NYC and Europe because if they will not do so, it means we must abolish such organizations as soon as possible no matter what methods we must use and no matter how much collateral damage is had from our response.  Sometimes we must die for a cause

If they do that we can forgive them for turning a blind eye to the mass rape of Jewish women by Palestinians while we come up with something to fix that mess at the same time

I am starting to embrace this mindset here "A reminder that women get punched in the face randomly on a daily basis in New York and instead of focusing on making New York safer, this is their response against Ivy League students protesting Israel."

But I will still call out obvious anti Jewish, bad apple behavior by Anti Israel, Pro Palestine protesters regardless if its rare, common or something else (behavior as in encamping, harassing Jewish students, blocking traffic, overt pro Hamas and or pro October 7 attacks and similar stuff).  

So anyway, to be honest, women being sucked punched for weeks and weeks in NYC by sexist, misogynist coward thug criminals and singers on subways being attacked by demonic trolls while NYC's police and DAs go soft on them to appease a very very small minority of domestic woke terrorists is way way more threatening, wrong and evil than the moral panic over the rightfully condemned but often overexposed Anti Israel, Pro Palestinian agitation on college campuses throughout the US

I will post more pro Palestinian stuff and more critical of Israel stuff on my blogs so I don't look like a hypocrite for criticizing such sexist and terroristic violence against women in NYC and elsewhere and to give me a leg a stand on for such activism. 

I am outraged about and against the rare or not so common bad seeds of the pro Palestine campus movements as in protesters who harass Jewish students, tear down the American flag and replace it with a Palestinian flag, who block off traffic which could get people killed and disrupts peoples lives, forcefully occupying college campuses and calls for the destruction of Israel, glorifying October 7 2023 and similar evil, morally wrong, sick, disgusting, anti Jewish, fascist acts.

If it wasn't clear before I am making it clear now, those are the protesters I am against and whom I am going after since May 1 2024 in my blogs. This will be seen by me embracing and replacing my Fox News rage porn on the whole I-P conflict and framing my views on this via the mindset of the Twitter user I quoted at the top of this post.

This means I will from here on out go after the sexist misgonist thug cowards in NYC who savagely assault women in NYC in the way I am tempted to go after the Pro Palestinian protesters due to the actions of some bad apple Pro Palestinian protesters while making this translate to more nuanced and sympathetic views on the Palestinian resistant movement.

Eric Adams is a horrible mayor for wrongly blaming Tik tok for those attacks. No those animals who attacked those women are evil, disgusting and way way more threatening to the safety of NYC than the Anti Israel, Pro Hamas Palestine protesters at NY's universities. 

Those thugs who attack women in NYC are domestic sexist terrorists (and NO the Pro Palestine protesters, even the worst of the worst are NOT domestic terrorists)

I believe that the sexist misogynist thugs who sucker punch women in NYC should get the book thrown at them while I don't care how much jail or penalties the Pro Palestinian bad seeds get (I don't care enough about them to form an opinion on that part)

I will add more examples of the epidemic of sexist, misgonist violence against women in NYC by coward thugs. If those attacks were rightfully condemned by the Liberal MSM and by wokiest, academics, colleges and the whole Liberal 2.0/Prog machine I wouldn't be so hard on Pro Palestinian protesters but the fact is since that is not the case I had no choice but to turn against the pro Palestine movement


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