Say yes to marriages for teens 15 to 17 in the US, don't allow Neolibs to ban it

 If children can choose their gender and be exposed to LGBTQ porn and drag queens then we should allow 15 to 17 year olds to be able to get married in all 50 US states (which is something I plan on forcing upon the US)

Banning 15 to 17 year olds from getting married in the US is anti child discrimination and violates their rights. It prevents their emanicipation and is used by neoliberal, bourgeois trolls to add another badge to their woke mantle

I plan on forcing the New Jersey government to allow teens 16 and 17 to get married , with consent of some form. New Jersey is one of the most restrictive states for true human rights in the US and I have to stop such abuses by them

The campaign against 15 to 17 year olds marrying is nothing but the morality police trying to force what they see is right and wrong on society.  Morality is a human construct and there is no proof that 15 to 17 years olds marrying is wrong or bad. Banning 15 to 17 year olds marrying is authoritarian, anti youth, fascist, big government, nanny government

Enough with this western collective moral policing . The Liberal Western MSM should be ashamed of partaking in this nonsense like promoting the emancipation of 15 to 17 year olds (I.e mid teen marriage) instead of being a neutral voice. We now have activist MSM which along with outrage media and the existent liberal 2.0 MSM is destroying our society little by little


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