On the university protests by Pro Palestinian, Anti Israel rioters

I support the rights of Pro Palestine protesters to protest peacefully. 

But I am against pro Palestinian protesters shutting down bridges, blocking traffic , being antisemetic, harassing and attacking Jewish students, forcebally taking over buildings and destroying property.  I am against the outside agitators who are posing as pro Palestine protesters . I am against protesters trying to goad police into using force on them in order to look like martyrs and make the police look bad

The Pro Palestine anti Zionist movement used to be left wing, anti establishment and non woke (or at least non liberal woke), but now it has been corrupted and coopted by *this group of bad actors who have now hijacked it in order to turn it into the Jorge Lloyd Protests 2.0.  

I support protest, and I support standing up for innocent people being killed indiscriminately. Everything is not so black and white, but there always seems to be some underlying group of fanatics that can’t help but come to the forefront.

Trying to rip down American flags and fly the flag of Palestine over universities. It’s some symbolic conquest shit. People tap dancing around it are being cowards, they know exactly who and where this comes from. The anti American everyone and thing is evil crowd. I don’t fuck with that.

The time to stick up for Palestinians and criticize Israel was from 1967 through October and on to January. Since then however, the lib woke crowd and  have all hijacked the movement and used it for their own goals pretending to support Palestinian liberation. 

Where were these liberal cucks in October, November, December when all support for ceasefires, end to Israeli blockades in Gaza, criticism of Benjamin Netanyahu, call for aide to Palestinians suffering in Gaza was smeared by those very same liberal woke, establihsmentish trolls as 'anti semitism'.  

If they have switched sides en masse, maybe this pro Palestine stuff we've seen since January is bad after all. I will no longer voice my support for Palestine or call for anything other than a ceasefire or post links to stuff I agree with.

The pro Palestinian Anti Israel protests have evolved into a diversion from Gaza and are now being used as an opportunity for anti Israel Zionists to sway public opinion against the Israel cause since to the GOP is more supportive of Israel than the Democrats , Liberal 2.0ers etc.

From a fellow leftist (from Michigan born 1996):


It is not necessarily my intention to completely dismiss the student protests.

But for well-meaning and good faith activists, it is time for a reality check.

These protests will amount to NOTHING... Nothing at… (work in progress)


This group as I write about in this blog section includes Cassie Miller , SPLC,Washington Post (non editorial board), corporate America (including ESPN), the View, liberal wokies (the progressive wokies are tolerable but these liberal ones are toxic) . When those set of people start supporting a movement, it is a tell tell sign we must abandon ship.  To quote Mark Twain "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain

This group also includes Wikipedia https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cid37w/israelpalestine_conflict_wiki_page_oct_2023_vs/    Wikipedia has now joined in on the anti Jewish hate and have now proven they are not neutral and are in fact pro Hamas and Anti Jewish.  

To Pro Palestinian Gen Zers who are supporting the wrong aspects of this corrupted movement, me and Mark Twain have a word for you overgrown children "Mark Twain. Are you forging your own path or are you finding yourself following the herd? I get it – it's definitely easier to follow another's lead. You don't have to think; it's all done for you."

Most of the pro Palestine Anti Israel protesters are white PMC, young rich kids who live in suburbs and have mommy and daddy pay for everything. They have never heard the word no and have been spoiled rotten since the day their parents spawned these little monsters. 

I am pro Palestine, pro Israel, anti Hamas, and not a fan of Benjamin Netanyahu (as can be seen in my blogs). So I am like Mark Hamill on this conflict

I will say that blocking traffic to protest Israel's aggression in Gaza is more justifiable than blocking traffic in climate protests. But both are wrong, it's just that I plan on mowing down climate protesters throughout the US and Canada blocking traffic to protest our climate crisis while I will not engage with pro Palestinian protesters who block traffic but I will criticize those protests tactics . I am against blocking traffic to protest Israel's aggression in Gaza but I am more than against and then some trolls blocking traffic to combat climate change. 

If you see climate change protesters blocking roads to protest our climate crisis, I suggest you drive through them. But only those type of protesters. For pro Palestinian traffic disrupters just force them to get out of the way without violence

I agree with and echo what Joe Biden said here "I supported the right to peacefully protest, and "forcibly taking over buildings is not peaceful." The statement added, "hate speech and hate symbols have no place in America." 

I am against protesters blocking traffic (like climate changes protesters, May Day protesters, some pro Palestine, Anti Israel protesters do) and against protesters occupying cities and campuses when it causes distractions, disruption and interferes with education or daily life (like the Freedom Convoy in Canada, I can see why Justine Trudeau went after them like he did)

I support everyone's right to protest as long as they do so peacefully and legally (but I support Extinction Rebellion and Queer Anarchism along with Kevin Carson Left Libertarianism but they break the laws for righteous causes the correct way and for the correct reasons unlike the former stuff)

left alt anti priv proerty

I agree with the ADL here:

Anti-zionist protestors have reportedly blocked traffic at Chicago and Seattle's international airports, as well as the Brooklyn and Golden Gate bridges. Peaceful protests are vital to democracy, but blocking traffic puts lives in danger.

and with the Washington Stand here:

Protestors have no constitutional right to block traffic.

Protests that aim to blockade streets violate laws against blocking streets — laws that are operational in nearly every jurisdiction.

Like other First Amendment freedoms, the right to protest is not absolute.

While people have the right to protest in public spaces, this right is not unlimited.

The First Amendment does not protect unpermitted protests that block traffic in public because ensuring traffic flow - especially for emergency vehicles - is a reasonable restriction on speech.

These rules apply regardless of who is protesting or the cause they support and must be applied to everyone equally. 

Here's everything to know about protesting on public property: https://bit.ly/3SAKNra

The replies here on this thread is , the furthest I can ever move away from my view on this: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskALiberal/comments/1992cou/what_are_your_thoughts_on_protestors_blocking/   . Anyone who is more pro blocking traffic than that should be put into concentration camps and put into slave labor for years. I am dead serious

olumbia president Minouche Shafik acknowledged in a statement on Monday that many Jewish students and other students have “found the atmosphere intolerable in recent weeks.”

“Many have left campus, and that is a tragedy. To those students and their families, I want to say to you clearly: You are a valued part of the Columbia community,” Shafik said. “This is your campus too. We are committed to making Columbia safe for everyone, and to ensuring that you feel welcome and valued.”

The lawsuit alleges that a subset of protesters has committed acts of violence, harassed Jewish students and faculty and incited hate speech and acts of violence. 

“These extreme demonstrators are not engaging in constitutionally protected free speech. Instead, they are openly inciting violence against Jewish students,” the lawsuit said. 

In the lawsuit, the plaintiff argues the shift to hybrid at Columbia hurt her academic performance and “left her feeling excluded and marginalized from her educational university and her university more generally.”

“Had Plaintiff known that Columbia would not provide a safe educational environment, she would not have chosen to enroll at or pay tuition to Columbia,” the lawsuit said. 

this user is correct:

A reminder that women get punched in the face randomly on a daily basis in New York and instead of focusing on making New York safer, this is their response against Ivy League students protesting Israel.


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