Double Standards

I will add stuff here reflecting the double standard on anti semitism soon including rebuttals against Mehdi Hassan on this. Hassan is turning into the wrong type of Palestinian supporter UGH

Where is the outrage against what some of the however many Anti Israel, pro Palestinian rioters are doing on college campuses in the last few months etc that we had about the January 6 2021 rioters having their temper tantrum which lead to officers dying, stress, drama, disruption etc?  

Yup it is progressives doing it so it is ok but when the other side like the January 6 rioters or the Freedom Conovyers or the Anti War (Russia-Ukraine war) protests their is righteous ingination from the globalist fascist filthy trash hyper liberal MSM like the Washington Post, Vox, and other George Soros controlled animals who should be removed from our society .   The MSM and corporations who support some of these out of control protests and evil tactics by the protesters are our enemy, and we must occupy and destroy these MSM offices and take out their journalists and then do the same to these corporate fascist buttheads or otherwise they will destroy us

I will help in this uprising with an idol from Survivor in my pocket just in case

I am appalled and saddened by the anti semetic, anti Judaism sentiment on campuses by Pro Palestine , Anti Israel protesters.  Regardless how bad Israel is , Jewish students have nothing to do with Israel and targeting them for Israel's actions is not just wrong but dumb.

The wokies and our far liberal MSM-Corporate fascist machine who has enslaved us (and whom are built on anti blackness foundations used to enslave blacks to this day and worse than non blacks are enslaved now by such entities) defended Jews and fought against anti semitism when it was MAGA trolls/Alt Right, Nick Fuentes , KKKanye West etc doing it but when it is woke progressives doing it , they give them a free pass or even sympathize with them 

At the start of this conflict, in October and November, that was the time to vocally support a ceasefire, peace, and to protest Israel's countless (literally countless) injustices against Palestine (including Israel's supposed genocide of Gaza which is more like what Russia is doing in Ukraine than a true genocide)  like I did throughout my blogs. So when the MSM and thus our Liberal 2.0 Cathedral machine went after such activists back then, I defended the coexist and anti anti Palestinian side as can be seen in my blog (I am a post Zionist after all)

But now that this Palestinian rights movement is turning into the *2020 Summer of Love 2.0 movement and co opted by those *same exact people 

***quick notes  

2020 summer of love movement is: the ANTIFA and Russian infiltrated BLM block riots from summer of 2020 over George Lloyd dying at the hands of the police in Minneapolis 

*i.e progressive wokies were always pro Palestine so I was fine with aligning with them on some of their less offensive post Zionist, anti Israeli discrimination of Palestinian views. So the establishment liberal wokies are sadly joining in to this 'pro Palestinian, anti Israel' side along with Neocons and corporations to an extent)


I am glad that The Bulwark was sympathetic to Palestine and their grievances briefly in late 2023 which I praised because they did it when the Pro Palestinian rights and I-P co exist movement was still anti establishment and post woke. The Bulwark was doing so the correct way with the correct allies

But now the Bulwark while they are being pro Palestine and doing so more frequently than in late 2023 they however are sadly doing so in the same way they were Israel symping and Palestinian bashing pre spring 2024). The Bulwark is now being Pro Palestine and Anti Israel to own the Republicans unlike in December 2023 when they did it from a broken clock, anti establishment type of place with the same allies they used to support the summer of love 2020 rioting and mayhem to boot. 

So naturally the Libs and most of the establishment and DEEP STATE are doing a 360 and like almost switching sides. They take the same blind Zionist, Anti Palestine views they have but just switch the sides. They will hate on Israel like they used to hate on Palestine and they will be occupied by pro Palestiniaism like they were pro Zionism . Both such things are over the top and something I cannot support

George Soros and his cronies are behind the scenes of this pro Palestinian symphing by the Neoliberal, corporatist fascist machine and if Soros and his cronies didn't use the following methods before they are  doing so now and that is he is paying people to protest against Israel and against Jewish self determination and to disrupt college campuses and to terrorize people to fulfill Soros's sinister globalizationist goals. 

The pro Palestine anti Israeli extremism movement is not far off from being Charlottesville 2.0.  We must respond to any hate or damage caused by the former like we responded to such things by the latter. 

But whenever Conservatives protest, the MSM blames 'Russian influence' or label such protests as 'Russians posing as conservatives'   

CNN should have kept it at this: "Large-scale social movements can certainly be vulnerable to groups who seek to capitalize on the chaos for their own ends, said Aldon Morris, a professor emeritus of sociology and African American studi"

."But whether the person using the phrase is trying to quell the protests or defend them, it’s not always clear who these “outside agitators” are, and whether they can be classed as such in the first place."  So even the pro Palestine protesters themselves are saying there are outside agitators  

“It’s a double-edged sword,” Morris said. “On the one hand, the student protests can be more powerful by larger numbers of people who come in from the outside, so long as they share the goals of the student protest movement. At the same time, their movement can be undermined by those with ulterior motives.”


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