Women should not fight on the front lines in Saudi Arabia

Because of the way Saudi Arabia society is built and structured and its unique culture and values,  I am against women being allowed to fight on the front lines in Saudi Arabia. It is good that Saudi Arabia allows women to fight in the military but to allow such a drastic move in light of most other , welcomed women's rights gains in such a short time is short sighted and wrong and can lead to backlash against women's rights there

In the US , women didn't fight on the front lines until the Gulf War and our country was fine. Saudi Arabia is allowing liberal feminists to destroy their country with the wrong brand of feminism. Rosie the Rivets, non combat war volunteer women and women non front line soldiers is what should be allowed in Saudi Arabia. 

Saudi Arabia is trying to get their women killed by allowing them on the front lines, plus it goes against their country's religious moral values to allow such depravity for their culture.

It is nothing but continued Westernization 

see here for more




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