No no no crime  This guy should be held in custody until trial without bail . He never should have been released after the first victim he assaulted, but the fact he was released after the 2nd attack on a girl is a major injustice and an insult to our criminal justice system

There is no proof his attacks were an accident or due to mental issues (which would change my view on this crime)

I call on everyone in NYC to surround this dude's house and perform a citizens house arrest on him until trial assuming Alvin 

I agree with all parts of this CNN article which match my view on this 

Punching a little girl in the face is one of the most savage and evil things a person can do and it is a left wing and liberal thing to want this man to be held without bail til trial, to be convicted and sent to prison for many years and for NYC to toughen their soft on crime laws to reduce these childphobic, sexist, anti woman attacks 


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