I will force everyone to use the word mom/mother no matter what. mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mother mother mother mom mom mom mother mother mother mom mom mmom mom

 I am against the Air Force banning the word 'mom' /'mother' . I am against mother erasure and woman erasure

I am so enraged by these woke animals going after one of the best words there is 'mom/mother' I can't write coherently now about this so I will just take a break and write later. I am having a hard time letting these woke thugs destroy our lives, we must go after the university indoctiniration centers, George Soros and others , along with the NPR, Washington Post, Wikipedia, MSNBC and other evil outlets because people are too retarded and stupid to have independent thoughts not spoon fed to them by those fake news, liberal propaganda machines. Humans are so brainwashed it is pathetic and since 2020 their brains have been melted. I cannot stand to see this anymore. It is time to get medival on their asses

These far liberal woke retards are taking a positive innocent word (mom/mother) and now are wrongly demonizing it due to their fucked up brain dead ideology

Only mentally handicapped anti woman , brainwashed trolls are offended by those words. Using the word mom is 10000 percent , absolutely NOT offensive or bad or wrong 

These woke extremists are being indoctrinated by anti semetic, rich PMC, elitist hacks in college to have these sick twisted views and it is high time we make

It is like the virus melted these idiots brains 

I guarantee that over 90 percent of Americans, Canadians, Australians, Asia residents, Europeans etc support people and institutions using the word mom/mother and are against mom/mother erasure.  Only the Tumblr freaks who are destroying our society and ruining our lives (i.e like 2 or 3 percent of our society) are offended about that term and whine their rich spoiled rotten entitled big mouths about it 

I am glad Kamala Harris calls herself Momala, because it shows she hasn't sunken to that extreme woke retard mode of being offended by one of the least offensive words ever :mom /mother

For the US air force to suggest 'words matter' in regards to military personnel rightfully using the words mom/mother makes me want to see the US military destroyed and makes me wish the US lost WWII

Bette Midler and Margaret Atwood were absolutely right to call out woman erasure and mother erasure. Anyone who criticized her for that should be taken from their homes, and thrown in prison camps like the one that Alexander Nalvahny went to. 

Such fools who wrongly go after Bette and Marge for her views on woman erasure and mother erasure have no place in our society and I will rid society of such triggered woke retards who criticized Midler and Atwood on their correct views on anti woman , PC woke extremists trying to destroy motherhood in their quest to destroy our society. I cannot believe that Boomers and Gen Xers gave birth such demons who would criticize those 2 for their view on woman erasure, mother erasure etc. Makes me wish the US lost WWII so those Boomers and Gen X scum weren't born and those demon scum woke trash weren't born . Allied powers my asshole. AXIS baby

Bette Midler and Margaret Atwood have rightfully fought for good causes and are comrades but the fact the minute they say something that these liberal woke retards don't like (which is true btw) they pillage, harass, smear and violently attack her. In my opinion those type liberal woketards who do such a thing are almost as bad if not worse than MAGA/alt right. I am sorry but this has to be said.  You can have 2 equally evil sides, life is not black and white, it is grey. Life is not Elder Scrolls you know

In my opinion the libtard woke freaks who wrongly criticized Midler and Atwood on their correct viewpoints on mother erasure and woman erasure are the ones who are crypto right wingers or Russian plants or right wing extremists

We have to stop these punks because if we don't we will suffer. I have had it with these woke monsters and I am going to put my foot down soon and due to them what Stryker in Mortal Kombat does to his opponents in Mortal Kombat

Usa today is obsessed with being pro woman which is good so that is why they went after Margaret Atwood for her correct remarks, but if that was not the case, so I sort of give USA today a pass on their criticism of Atwood


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