Only is a sex cult site, ignore it

 I am against the existence of It is another Big tech site that is brainwashing people to further be slaves to monopolistic capitalistic Big evil Big Tech. 

Onlyfans is the latest big Tech site to brainwash people to become cultists to their site. It is sick and twisted and wrong to upload content on that site and to access content on it

Women who are content creators on that filthy site are whoring themselves out and that is wrong. Prostititon is wrong and the fact that a website like Only fans facilitates such degenerate , demeaning and sexist behavior such as Prostitution is a sign our society is further crumbling into an even bigger pit of madness, sickness and despair

Despite what poll sites who are paid by the PR people at Only fans to fabricate their viewer count tell you, the vast majority of Americans have never accessed or uploaded content on Onlyfans. And Onlyfans is 

Onlyfans is a globalist plot to degrade cultures outside the West even further and we must stop it

I am so glad that Afghanistan banned Only fans. Any Muslim who uses that site should be stoned for being an infidel. There is no reason anyone in Afghanistan , the Middle East, Asia, Europe, South America, Africa should access that filthy American site. It is a culture destroyer that site and I will not allow people in the above place to use or access Only fans. I will use hacking to do so

Content creators on Onlyfans are the dredges of society and deserve to be shunned

had more than three million registered creators and 220 million registered users


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