Center unirgithgt

An alliance between the Never Trump/Neocon , Center right and the Left Wing Populists/Conservative Socialist/ Anti Imperialism-Non Intervention Left-Right fusion

Anarcho Con(servativeLib(eralon steroids

LibCom-Con Right Horseshoe (similar to Alexander Reid Ross grifterism)

Chilean Center-Right Populism

 Third Way Libertarianism

Old school Communist positional Impossibilist

A National Review mediacracy ideology modeled after the pre purge National Review (i.e pre mid 1960s National Review)

A National Review mediacracy ideology  that had these radical ideologies:

-Pre mid 1960s National Review purge type Isolationism (John T Flynn like)

-Pre mid 1960s National Review purge type of Anti Zionism

-Pre mid 1960s National Review purge type of Libertarianism

-Pre mid 1960s National Review purge type of Ayn Randism

-Pre mid 1960s National Review type of JBS

source: Murray Rothbard on in his speech to the John Randolph Society on the state of The National Review: “And so the purges began. One after another, (William F) Buckley and National Review purged and excommunicated all the radicals, all the nonrespectables. Consider the roll call: isolationists (such as John T. Flynn), anti-Zionists, libertarians, Ayn Randians, the John Birch Society, and all those who continued, like the early National Review etc”

I decry the Cold War just like Murray Rothbard decried the Cold War. I proudly have ‘defective’ judgement on the Cold War

As a young kid in the 1980s, I did not support the Reaganite approach to the Cold War. The US used the Cold War to bring capitalism and liberal democracy to the rest of the world but that was wrong for them to do because it should not be the US's place or role to do such things 

An arms race with the USSR was a waste of time and money.  USSR’s economic system  would collapse under its own weight anyway, so why should the US bothered speeding up the process?

Like Murray, I am retroactively against the Vietnam War since the US entry into the Vietnam War was a disastrous mistake .  “Even when it appeared that the U.S. was losing ground, he criticized the Johnson administration for having “added a great new law to military strategy: the more you’re being defeated, the more this simply means that the enemy is becoming ‘desperate.’” The more you lose, the closer you come to “winning.” How many more such “victories” can we stand?“  Mureay Rothbard

I echo everything that Murray Rothbard said about the Cold War , Vietnam War and USSR. See thisthisthisthis , this and this

The rise of European populism and the collapse ...

Brookings › articles › the-rise-of-euro...

Mar 8, 2018 — Under pressure, center-right parties have felt compelled to adjust by shifting toward populist policies and rhetoric. 

Extreme/Far-Center/Middle Ground

Left Libertarian American Conservativism (Sheldon Richman thought)/Left FEE

Mixed Republicanism

Bernie Sanders Euro center rightism

Left-National Libertarianism 

 Conservative Liberal Populism/Jewish Ron Paulism ( (Autonomous sects/factions [homeland for every worker])

 Yangism/Forward Party 

NeoCon Unity + Fourth Theory

 Socialist Right /File:Patcon.pngCenter-Left Conservatism 

Egalitarian Conservatism
 Conservative Marxism-Leninism



National Review ideology that the deradicalized RFK Jr thought is part of (i.e ideology of National Review-RFK Jr synthesis thought)

The term started to be known when a prominent contributor in the National Review, a conservative editorial, Frank Meyer, described his ideology as a fusion of  Libertarian and  Conservative ideals in the 1950's[8]. In his most influential book, In Defense of Freedom, Meyer defined freedom in what Isaiah Berlin would label "negative" terms, as the minimization of the use of coercion by the state in its essential role of preventing one person's freedom from intruding upon another's.


Neo-Menemism ( Center right Peronism)


 Small Government Conservatism

 South Park Republicanism Neocon rhetoric has always been non-interventionist, but these poor non-interventionist neocons just keep getting forced into wars because ...

Ron DeSantis is the most non-interventionist Neocon I've ever seen. Do you even know that a Neocon is?? T


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