
Showing posts from February, 2024

Help me put Florida thief, abuser and psycho path Crystal Kiser behind bars for years

  I am a Radical Left Marxist Feminist, and while I mean what I write below this bolded bloc of text, I believe that the male patriarchy played a small part in Crystal Kiser becoming a kleptomaniac, abuser and monster.  I am not justifying or even rationalizing what she did but the fact is male patriarchy is a factor in at least some crimes women commit and women being lifelong criminals like this troll woman. This woman should be banned from Walmart for life. I am going to force Walmart to ban her from all their stores for life by going to Bentonville Arkansas and hacking their computers to put her on the ban list. if Walmart employees in Bentonville try to stop me, I will do to them, what Terry Gene Bollea did to Jimmy Hart at Halloween Havoc 1995 after Jimmy Hart turned on Hogan mid match. She got arrested four more times after this video, and 12 times so far we know of!! She doesn't learn anything; not even shitting her pants was strong enough of a deterrent to her. That old la

I am against Kristin Lindquist wearing sneakers on this bed, so I am going to her home to force her to go 5 months without wearing sneakers

  If any health official or doctor tries to stop me I will do them what the kids in children of the corn did to that doctor in Children of the Corn 2 (death by multiple needle injections)

Migration primer i009223

 The reason that cities like NYC , San Fran, Chicago go easy on illegal migrants and criminal mass migrants are because they are sanctuary cities and by their nature they have to go easy on them. If you don't like it stop them from being sanctuary cities

Mom should not be arrested

 This mom should not have been arrested I will get her charges expunged and the cops who arrested her put on suspension

Free Julian Assange

 The whole Neolib-Neocon political machine constantly yammers on and on about 'saving democracy' and 'protecting democracy'. So if these 'muh democracy' crusaders are serious about saving Democracy, they should support Julian Assange being freed since if Assange is put in prison for him exposing the sins of our government, that would be a major blow to freedom of press and ultimately to democracy

Katie Couric is a far liberal HAG HACK and she is a DNC operative

 Katie Couric always has been a liar, embarassment and a twat but a few years ago this failed journalist wannabe did a hard solid for her DNC masters by 

Allowing Coach Kennedy the freedom to pray on the field privately is NOT Christian Nationalism, it is RELIGIOUS FREEDOM

 The hacks at MSNBC are anti Christian

More political 2 cents

  Dr Cornel West is more of a progressive and leftist than EVERYONE in the Democrat Party and anyone who says otherwise should be thrown in a gulag north of the Arctic Circle Dr Cornel West is one of the best, most intelligent, thoughtful people of our generation . He is a way more progressive and leftist than Joe Biden and everyone in the Democratic Party Dr Cornel West is infinite times better for blacks than Joe Biden. Joe Biden is a net negative for blacks but Cornel West is a champion for blacks. He cares about blacks infinite times more than Joe Biden ever could on Biden's best day Joe Biden has constantly been anti black from his racist bigoted comments (like 'if you don't vote for me you ain't black) to his busing ban (which was not for Libertarian reasons) to Biden's crime bill to Joe Biden's virtue signaling and woke moves when he got into office which were just to trick blacks into thinking he supported them (Joe Biden is a segregationist so that is w

unsorted political spiels

  (coming soon) Things I HATE about our society/my pet peeves: Left leaning progressives (mostly woke ones) wanting corporations to support so called left wing or progressive views is the epitome of all that is wrong with our society They should be trying to destroy and dismantle corporations, not plead with them to give a virtue signaling lip service pretend or token support to their cause to make them feel justified for their extremist viewpoints Corporations are part of the problem and who these left leaning progressives should be calling for the abolishment up. Corporations are our biggest enemies, they are Capitalist, globalist , monopolistic, cultural globalizationist, American hemegonic terrorists etc)  I want to abolish the Republican party and the GOP. One reason is when the Republicans support a view, no matter how reasonable or sensible it is, the Democrats and our Neolib machine will disagree with that view (even if they agreed with it) just to own the Republicans and so th