unsorted political spiels

  (coming soon)

Things I HATE about our society/my pet peeves:

Left leaning progressives (mostly woke ones) wanting corporations to support so called left wing or progressive views is the epitome of all that is wrong with our society

They should be trying to destroy and dismantle corporations, not plead with them to give a virtue signaling lip service pretend or token support to their cause to make them feel justified for their extremist viewpoints

Corporations are part of the problem and who these left leaning progressives should be calling for the abolishment up. Corporations are our biggest enemies, they are Capitalist, globalist , monopolistic, cultural globalizationist, American hemegonic terrorists etc) 

I want to abolish the Republican party and the GOP. One reason is when the Republicans support a view, no matter how reasonable or sensible it is, the Democrats and our Neolib machine will disagree with that view (even if they agreed with it) just to own the Republicans and so they don't get 'Republican political cooties'. So if the Republican party and the GOP right wing movement were wiped out, then the Democrats and our Neolib machine would be able to support such views without fear and they would no longer have a scapegoat, punching bag to blame everything on. 

If we only have Democrats and have no Republicans, conservatives or right wingers, our country would be less divisive and more focused on solutions and stuff. I plan to abolish the Republican, GOP, conservative right wing movement soon

I have now turned against these pro Palestinian thugs and monsters who have infested college campuses like UCLA, UNC , NYU, Columbia.  It is absolutely wrong, sick, childish, and evil what these thugs are doing.  Anyone who sees any Palestinian flag put up at colleges in the US by these Anti Israel Hamas symphs should not only remove that Palestinian flag and put the US flag back up but they should also burn the Palestinian flag on site. Like Eric Adams said no Palestinian flag should ever be put up on our College campuses, especially in place of an American flag

I support and applaud the fraternity people at UNC defending UNC from these anti Israel, pro Palestinian trolls and I support them making sure the US flag is up at UNC and the Palestinian flag is removed. The NY Post is even more supportive of these UNC patriot frat people than I am as can be seen here

Like my dad said, I support these anti Israel, 'pro Palestinian' protesters protesting, but peacefully. But I am against protesters blocking students, encamping on private property (see here),  erecting Palestinian flags (I also am against Congress waving Ukranian and Israeli flags too), being anti semetic no matter how rare it might be at these riots, destroying property, making Jewish students feel unsafe, attacking Jewish students etc.  Any protestors who do those things should be suspended or better yet banned from college, arrested and spend some time in jail or prison (I don't have a time frame in mind).  

I agree with Mike Johnson in his Columbia address on Apr 24 2024. It is sickening to see such blatant anti Jewish rhetoric and senseless hatred coming from 'Pro Palestinian' so called leftists and progressives in the last few months . 

I echo almost everything Johnson said except his Islamaphobic, racist xenophobic labeling of Palestinian attacks on women as 'savage'. While I condemn such attacks on women (see me criticize Europe for going easy on such Muslims rapists in other posts in my blogs), I feel Johnson is wrongly dog whistling that Palestinians and Muslims are backward, and barbaric with such comments . 

Not only is he wrong with such archaic, ignorant notions, but his labeling Muslims stuff , even evil stuff as 'savage' is the same Islamaphobic and racist hatred that Muslims had to endure after 9/11 and well into the 2010s . We need to end Jewish hate and Muslim hate. Words matter (how and when I say they matter only). Mike Johnson dehumanized Muslims and Palestinians by calling them savage and thus he is just as bad as the other DJT wing of the Rethuglican party

The anti Jewish, Pro Palestinian protests and attacks on Jews by leftist, progressives and their allies is annoying, embarrassing to our country and for themselves, ignorant on fentanyl (worse than ignorant on crack) . This isn't a fad, these trolls are making Jews feel unsafe and we need to confront them about it in a Christian way to stop their hatred (or at best apparent hatred)

Seeing these anti Jewish, pro Palestine thugs constantly spread their nonsense at college campuses, on bridges and elsewhere since October 7 2023 reminds me of similar aggression and hate that the liberal MSM portrayed January 6 2021 rioters and thugs espoused on that day.  

The toxic bourgeois, social fascist Wokeness after G.F died at the hands of rogue pigs in Minneapolis that includes shady race hustlers lecturing us on how to to grovel and beg for their forgiveness over something we had nothing to do with. The same toxic rainbow narratives that still is seen on that woke globalist bourgeois, neolibetard ESPN where their 30 for 30 recently had an anti white, anti Christian retard wrongly criticize Jesus for being 'white'. 

If that isn't true, then the fact I would even think I heard that is just as bad as if it really happened. Maybe we should root for a nuclear war so our society can be destroyed and rebooted without this DEI trash. Between that and celebrity worship I feel like .....

Liberals (Neolibs/wokies etc) use their own fact checkers to pretend their views are correct. Liberals also use the same scientism scientists and so called experts to push their terrible policies they wanted pushed by having said so called scientists and experts not only falsely say Liberals are correct but also that what they want is actually good. 

Social media like Facebook is consumerism , globalism, corporate greedy, monopolistic capitalism in excess

Facebook represents everything I hate. It is a monocultural, cultist product (which is why 1.9 billion people on Earth have had a FB profile at least once in their lives). Facebook makes sure all brand name products have their stupid logos on them (like Pepsi with a Facebook logo saying 'follow us on Facebook)

People are brainwashed to use Facebook and other social media tech by the logos. 

There is NO reason that 58 percent of Americans should have had a Facebook account. That is cultism, consumerism extremism, monoculturalism etc. This is because of brainwashing by Facebook (the percent is 58 not 60 something, Facebook inflates its user amount by counting bot accounts, people who sign up to try it out and quit, people who use it a few times every few years then stop abruptly , people with multiple accounts. And you can't trust deep state, globalist controlled fake polling services like Gallup or Pew research enter)

Facebook intrusively butting their way into places like Southeast Asia/ Asia, South America, Africa is 

technological authoritarianism , white man's burden, corporate globalism etc. We have to end this technological colonialism by these multi national corporations who wrongly look at countries in the global south as inferior and so bring their tech junk like social media, smart phones, electric cars, and other unneeded junk to those countries to in their sick minds 'civilize' them. Like having such unneeded consumerism, tech junk really makes peoples lives better (it does not)

Humans went thousands of years with social media, smart phones, electric cars and similar trash. It is technological authoritarianism for governments to force consumerism tech junk on its citizens (like Chile with its stupid 5G nonsense, US states with their electric car consumerist trash to phase out regular cars, etc). 

I support the Fourth Political Theory and Multi polarism of Alexander Dugin precisely to counter this.

https://www.foxnews.com/video/6350100438112 These undocumented migrants who wrongly assaulted these border patrol agents should be put in prison in the US as long as the January 6 2021 MAGA rioters were put in prison since they did the same thing to those border patrol agents the MAGA filth did to Capitol police that day. Though I will settle for them and the January 6 2021 MAGA rioters being deported (for the latter deport them to that camp Alex Nalvhany croaked at in Siberia)

I am against the singer mentioned here being assaulted by that psycho person. The person who wrongly attacked this singer is a demonic troll who should be put in prison for a long time. I echo the similar criticism of the person for assaulting the subway singer from these redditors in this thread

That singer was doing nothing wrong, he was trying to bring joy and happiness to people going through the stresses of riding the NYC subway and yet some evil, psycho path demon attacked him for no reason. Our society sadly no longer is a cordial, respectful place but a society of animals like that animal who wrongly attacked that subway singer. It is like Back to the Future II bad 1985.

I am against squatting and squatters. Squatting rights is a term that should not exist

I support Ron Desantis's anti squat ting law     

https://www.newsweek.com/new-york-officials-scrambling-change-squatter-laws-1885596#:~:text=In%20New%20York%20State%2C%20if,change%20New%20York's%20squatters%20laws.  Squatters should not have rights. It is burgarly for someone to move into a private home after 29 days of the owner(s) being away. Common sense people. 

It makes no sense that people who don't own a place can just randomly live there without penalty as long as it is a rental or they meet some easy requirements.  I am against that woman who interested here house from her parents being arrested and for her not being allowed to live at her home . I am going to force those squatters and squatters everywhere to leave homes.

Being overweight is not healthy and anyone reading this who is overweight should try to find a healthy weight to drop to and do so. Then after awhile maybe try a little more. I will be adding science studies proving that being overweight and eating fast food is bad for you. Don't allow unhealthy woke trolls spew you body positive and pro junk food DISINFORMATION

The whole left leaning, 2020 summer of love riots and the stuff that lead to them really caused the most reactionary, counter productive, toxic,   fall out I have ever seen. From the CRT in schools, to the woke virtue signaling about white supremacy from the VA, NARAL, Tiktok,  to the rectification of guilting people to say they are racist (which is b.s, society is structured against blackness and built on anti blackness structures, whites are thus naturally structured against blacks and blackness), to the gutter retarded wokeness like the idiotic moronic software companies and realtors getting rid of the word master in their terms or Stanford's stupid dumb moronic woke pc extremist, newspeak to woke segregation at London's theaters to shaming any white who does not get on the woke train, to paranoia about who is and isn't racist, to the idiotic moronic end cash bail movement and defending the police which have been proven to make our cities less safe to racist DEI, to allowing thugs to get away with assaulting teachers and police,  all of this has made me think the woke radlibs just used George's death as an excuse and oppurtunity to speed up them unleashing the woke garbage they had been planning to unleash but much much sooner. 

None of the woke libs or Democrats gave one shit about George or Breonna. They exploited their deaths to unleash their authoritarian wokeness and censorship campaigns. It is truly sick and I am stoked society is waking up to it. 

I believe that overweight people should aspire to lose weight in order to have a healthy body weight. There is nothing wrong with that, body positivity is deadly and wrong because it prevents overweight people from losing weight and getting healthy 

I am very close to Dr. Lizzy Pope, associate professor in the Nutrition and Food Sciences Department at the University of Vermont and lead author, on this issue above, but I tend to take a little more liberal approach with these weight loss promotion on social media.

But at the end of the day I do feel that social media should work with Dr Lizzy Pope to discern which weight loss and healthy living ads can stay and which ones should be blocked or heavily restricted. 

I am luke warm with body positivity but with weight, I guess you can say there in lays the luke part of my body positivity viewpoints. While overweight people should never be bullied, shamed or discriminated against, and non woke doctors shouldn't use medical authoritarianism (where have I seen that before?) to get said overweight people to lose weight, I still believe we should encourage and promote healthy living and overweight people losing as much weight as they can to have a normal weight range.   

I shouldn't have to write this obvious point, but now we live in an essentialist, idpol driven society where everything is a freaking identity, but being overweight should not be one of them

Body positivity with weight loss being the new idpol/essentialist woke trendy view is deadly to overweight people. The reason America is so overweight is because of the fast food restaurants most of which are monopolized corporate fascists who get Americans overweight with their junk in order to make it easier to control them. This is why the neoliberal elites have decided to spread fast food to other countries, to make all the world a sheep for a future globalist Orwellian word. Think of it as soma. 

It is wrong for any American chain to be in Kuwait but now Kuwait people are becoming fat due to these greedy , neoliberal, corporate multinational fast food chains from the US invading their country and fattening them up with their unhealthy trashy products

Fast food is bad for people and people should not eat fast food ever.  Eating lots of fast food could also impact an individual's mental health and make them more prone to depression and anxiety. A 2021 study compared data from 322 males and 322 females age 30 or older.

It sucks that science has to bend the knee to woke ideology in terms of gender, weight, etc.  If science is now in the business of pleasing woketards by telling them obviously unhealthy and life shortening habits like eating fast food and staying overweight is fine and acceptable, our society is doomed. For me that is just as bad as the right wing embracing pseudo science as we've seen the last decade. Both sides need to stop it

Joe Biden is losing his memory and going senile. I don't know if the lib MSM can afford to protect him and make excuses for him anymore. This is pathetic. 45 sucks ass, but propping up a literal Weekend at Bernie's Bernie as an alternative to Trump is one of the most pathetic sideshows I have ever seen. 

The establishment Neolib/Neocon media and their foreign agents are realizing they can no longer lie and pretend Joe Biden's mental health is better than it is (as an aside, Donald Trump has always been nuts and more so than Biden)

Joe Biden says he is mentally fine, so what I should just take his word for it? If only it was that easy. My mom says Biden is mentally fit but evil, I think she has it backward.










Be on the lookout for Joe Biden getting votes from those dead political leaders he claims he recently talked in the 2024 Presidential election /s :-J (tongue in cheek)

I agree with this quote: “One thing that stuck out to me about the Putin interview is how thorough and intelligent he was. He gave a 2 hour history of his country going back 1,000 years! Compare that to our leaders in the West, such as our dementia ridden president Joe Biden!” 

BUT, a little nitpick by me: 

Does the Republicans and Independents have some new ideas to show why their candidates are better than Joe Biden and his ideas for Presidents other than pointing out this vague, captain obvious sentiment of Biden's mental finesse which they have thrown around so much that its like they're beating a dead dog (no pun intended)

It is the worst kept secret that the MSM, Hollywood, Corporations by and large lean liberal 2.0 or more. You would have to be an idiot or do mental gymnastics on steroids to believe otherwise. No sane person can possibly believe our MSM who champions establishment Democrats and NeoCons, defends Joe Biden each time he does something stupid or makes a mistake, and Hollywood who blatantly push Liberal 2.0 rhetoric for decades (along with most of Hollywood nut sucking establishment Democrats like there is no tomorrow) are unbiased, fair, down the middle. BULLSHIT . I was born at night but not last night

And since we live in such a establishment Neolib/Neocon society of course they are going to deny it. Would you expect them to say"golly gee you got us, we are biased toward mainstream establishment Democrat/GOP ideology, anyway.."

Certain Libtards

I loathe the Libtards (and their brand of liberal ideology) who are anti Bernie Sanders, pro establishment, sound like DNC talking point robot cultists (such as Mandy Patinkin, Fred Guttenberg [though on Israel he is anti woke since is he is pro Israel and anti Palestine], MEATHEAD i.e Rob Reiner (other than I-P where he is good he sucks elsewhere), Gregg Popovich, Dan Lebastard, Denis O'Hare, Aly & AJ.  I can never ever support politicians they support or have their exact viewpoints except on Israel-Palestine (I am divided on I-P).  I would side with the ALT LITE and IDW over those fuckheads all day every day. 

BTW the Hollyweird fundraisers for Joe Biden's reelection? I plan on trying to get them cancelled. Any celeb that supports Biden for President in 2024 is a moron or a corrupt loser, either way those celebrities are freaks who should have their careers destroyed

BS! Another corporate sponsor spokesperson from MSNBC trashed Bernie in 2020 (Larry O'Donnell). I used to watch regularly, but this Bernie Sanders hatred by the commentators is just way too much. At least Rachel hasn't been bashing Bernie.

Sasha Baron Cohen is a fool moron . https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/sacha-baron-cohen-bernie-sanders-who-is-america-1235209249/. Bernie Sanders is way more progressive, pro BIPOC, pro LGBTQ and pro Jewish than that stupid immature, braindead piece of shit actor. I will never support anyone Sasha Baron Cohen supports. I will make Sasha pay for this

The Variety Anti Bernie, pro Sasha piece proves it’s just tabloid trash once again. #GoBernie


It is so sad that the MSM are cheerleaders for the Neolib/Neocon establishment. They are biased in favor of them and instead of reporting the news without bias and in a neutral manner, they spin stories or outright defend this establishment to protect it and their jobs and power. 


The Speaking Out movement in wrestling is a stupid, woke movement that needs to end.  People accused of crimes are Innocent until proven guilty.  These wrestlers have their careers destroyed over that new trendy woke hashtag activism. Wrestling has jumped the shark long ago but now with the toxicness of the Metoo movement it has died just like the countless wrestlers who have died over the last few decades

Believe all women should not mean that all sexual abuse allegations women make should be taken at face value without proof or the person accused of sexual abuse being found guilty.  Innocent til proven guilty. There are isolated cases where women and men lie about sexual abuse or don't remember

According to The Atlantic, the adoption of a rule in Britain according to which law enforcement should believe reports of sexual assault and consider complainants to be victims led to improper police investigation of claims and the overlooking of contradicting evidence, resulting in the collapse of prosecutions and false accusations against the accused  https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/brett-kavanaugh-and-problem-believesurvivors/572083/

While the fact that men rarely suffer even a fraction of the punishment those sexual deviant monsters deserve for sexual abuse , the Believe All Women thing will do nothing to fix that, but there is a good chance it will infact either have no effect or make it worse. Thus the Believe All Woman taken at face value should be scrapped as a tool against male sexual abusing pigs

When we say 'believe women,' it's for this explicit intention of making sure there's space for all women to come forward to speak their truth, to be heard - Kristen Gillibrand.   But it is not truth just because women make the accusation. They have to prove it because otherwise we won't know if they are lying or really were abused

Wikipedia's article on Speaking Out relies on Crappy sources

I don't think we really need to discuss whether tabloid rags by the disgraced Trinity Mirror (Daily Record, Liverpool Echo) belong in an article about sexual assault allegations. On top of that, TMZ is a low-quality source, 411mania has limited reliability, Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News is a free tabloid, and what in the holy hell is "Awfulannouncing.com"?

That page, which could be life-altering for the named individuals, demands reliable, top-flight sourcing. Wikipedia is pretending to be pro woman by using low quality sources to end wrestlers careers in order to make up for Wikipedia being anti woman for decades

I agree with this stupidpol criticism of the whole MeToo movement below:

https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/b4nir1/timesup_for_metoo_hypocrisy/ (Barabra Streisand that dinosaur old hag proves she is a hypocrite. I don't think Michael Jackson is guilty, but if he is and she defended him she is a horrible person and a bi*** To quote AOC who I agree with : "If we again want to have integrity, you can't say, you know — both believe women, support all of this, until it inconveniences you, until it inconveniences us







(sidenote)"Trappist beer cancelled for not allowing women on monasteries"  If that were true, I would retroactively wish the AXIS powers won WWII just to prevent Europe from being that woke. I am serious


china cneosring cnn, election fraud jessie molly feb 7 24

I am against corporations controlling us and our country (Jessie Wtters Feb 7 2024 8pm) they are greedy and making our country into post gilded age mess

Jimmy Kimmel is a literal TOOL  who spends all his pathetic time with pro Democrat party /radlib propaganda and one sided bashing of Republicans and DJT. Kimmel is a hypocrite, he wore blackface and abused women years back and he is worse than the people he mocks. Kimmel is a sophmoric turd and I plan on confronting him about his stupidity at his mansion when I get there 


Migrations issues




https://www.foxnews.com/video/6346069588112  https://www.reddit.com/r/AskALiberal/comments/183tekc/do_you_genuinely_believe_noneuropean_migration_is/

I agree with the senator on CNN on February 4 2024 350pm on migration

These 5 migrant illegal immigrants are 100 percent wrong to attack those NYPD officers. These illegal migrants should all be in Rikers now and have their bail amount be set near 1 million dollars or maybe even no bail set (they all have open cases against them)


This is nuts, the fact they have 4 open cases is enough that should land them in prison or jail asap. They are criminals and thugs. 

The liberaltarian cons and unfettered progressive utopians have put illegal migrants well being over our own citizens and worst of all over the lives of our poc citizens. That is so fucked up and not how a country should operate. What is with this open border, soft on crime fetish these maniacs have? The liberal 2.0ers who support this or excuses this are trolls who are as big of a stain on our country as the Alt Right is

I like Kathy Hochul believe they should be deported (possibly) and like Kathy Hochul I believe at th every least those thugs should be in prison for their attacks on the officers

I generally am where Kathy Hochul is on this whole crime-migrant thing in NYC with some of my own views as can be seen throughout my blog spheres

Social media (especially social media being shoved down our throats, social media cultism and addiction, the fact that every new social media site that gets created is flooded with corporations, celebrities, businesses etc)

stand and show solidarity with these Chicago Democrats and other residents who are rightfully fed up with Chicago favoring illegals over their own legal residents and in particular over BIPOC legal residents. Like Ms Truss of Chicago I realize Chicago does not have the resources to continue to help illegal migrants. 

I admit the border state Republicans busing migrants to Chicago got us into this mess, but Chicago is trying to turn lemons into lemonade which is noble

Multinational Corporations/US/Western Cultural Imperialism


Not all 'asylum seekers' and 'refugees' are really asylum seekers and refugees. Don't be naive


Wookie Wokies

PC trash

I am more than 1000 percent against stupid gender neutral language. Offensive linemen/ Offensive lineman should ALWAYS be called Offensive linemen/ Offensive lineman . Defensive linemen/ Defensive lineman should ALWAYS be called Defensive linemen/ Defensive lineman.  In baseball (not women's softball) First Baseman should ALWAYS be called First Baseman and so on for Second Baseman and Third Baseman

If we end up in a society where people can no longer say Lineman/Linemen, Baseman/ Basemen and must say some 1984 orwellian trash words like 'person' I will have to do something drastic to stop that and return us to sanity. For the Independents, Never trumpers and 'neocons' i know MAGA sucks balls, but if our society ever ends up being extremely pc as above by the same woke ANTI SEMITIC pro Palestine/pro Hamas, Anti Israel filth, why on Earth would you vote Democrat since extreme political correctness and the left wing pro Palestine/Pro Hamas, Anti Israel hate from the left we have seen since October is at BEST just as bad as MAGA if not worse (and if ya'll Indies, Never trumpers and 'neocons' don't agree you are worse than the Alt right and far right and that is a fact JACK)

Instead of fixing real problems socioeconomically via material fixes, if our country goes down this political correct slippery slope as mentioned above, I will start a civil war myself in this country and I will win it for the gipper. FOR THE GIPPER


Extreme gender ideology (sorry but if our society cannot distinguish a cis woman and a trans woman from each other, our society is going backward not forward)

I am against people using pronouns on their social media profiles (social media shouldn't have been created in the first place but we are far past that point), Imdb, Linkedin etc. Pronouns are ruining our culture, by forcing people to give legitemacy to radical extreme gender nonsense that these Tumblr freaks from the early 2010s invented. I won't allow this. My goal is to abolish the whole pronoun thing . 

I am anti DEI

I agree with these articles, posts on it:





I agree with the poc guy on Jesse Watters on February 6 2024 about wokeness , white guilt and the stupidness of white people allowing blacks to falsely call them racist which gives blacks an excuse to call them racist. I also agree with some of Gina Carano's tweets about race, wokeness from years back


As a starting note, I support this  "Proposed bail reforms target violent repeat offenders - YouTube · CBC News: The National

27.3K+ views · 8 months ago

The government has proposed new legislation it says will make it harder for violent, repeat offenders to be granted bail, but without making ..."  policy at MINIMUM. 

I will talk this over with some soverign critizen libs wip

In December 2022, police responded to a CVS Pharmacy in Eau Claire, WI, where a female subject refused to leave after closing. She was suspected of planning to steal around $800 worth of cosmetics. Months later, she was caught stealing again. She was released on a reduced bond but was subsequently arrested seven more times for various offenses.

44 Released with $1000 signature bond. (2 months later) 13:00 Released on $500 signature bond. Since then arrested 7 more times: harm to a health care provider, battery, drugs. The arresting video was on 12/11/22.... it is now 5/29/23.... that is 6 months. A grand total of 9 arrests in 6 months. Stop making excuses for criminals. Did you even watch the video?

Do NOT to publicly shame, ridicule, or degrade this criminal below in the photo. In the comment section there is mention of criminals who have worse charges than karens below who are repeat offenders still free.  This should not happen. 

Nearly all countries on Earth would have this troll in prison but not the woke US. Wisconsin is a trash state. If repeat psychopathic thieves and criminals like this girl below cannot be put in prison and punished for her crimes, our society will be doomed. You cannot have a lawless society where trolls like this white karen steal and loot and get away with it. Enough is enough. I am not going to sit by anymore and allow this shit to happen.

I may be a left wing Anarchist, Libertarian but I have my limits and my limit is this psycho path thief and criminal white karen. I will make sure gets the punishment she deserves for her actions and I don't care if I end up going to prison for it. 

I am fully against defund the police and I am really against cash bail reform. The woke left are destroying our country with their soft on crime shit. This thief criminal should be in prison now, not walking free.

It is sad that wokeness and Radical democrats have once against made our country shitty where they allow psycho path thief trolls like white karen below to get away with serious crimes time and time again without any punishment. Well my friends, that is wrong, damn wrong. Anyone who isn't fucking braindead would agree its wrong and that this troll girl belongs in prison now. I plan to do something about this

This little girl below (Adale) needs to be taught a lesson, she cannot get away with stealing and suffering no consequences. Her parents should be ashamed to raise such an immature,  disgusting troll of a daughter. I will teach this girl below a lesson she will never forget

I want to abolish prisons and set up a egalitarian, non hierarchical  (ideally https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizontalism)  system that replaces prison and all that (maybe ) But as long as we have prisons, repeat criminals like this psycho path thief below need to be in them.

It's like Liberals and Democrats will die on the hill of lawlessness. When Kathy Hochul of all people's tougher on crime approach sounds firm, (due to the lib extremist idiots like the pieces of shit in Wisconsin who allow this criminal thief psychopath below to go free) you know our society is doomed. 

I hope this woman below breaks into the homes and robs from all the woke liberals and woke judges in WisCONSIN who allow this troll to go free. Serves them right

Kids today like this piece of work below are the most entitled, selfish, immature generation ever. All of the good Gen Z and younger Millennials have, that is one area , one huge area they will never fix and destroys all the good those generations can bring us.

I am going to right this wrong. If this above criminal didn't get jail time for her repeat theft, I will go to Eau Claire and perform a citizens arrest on her myself and I will force her to go on house arrest at her home for a year. Stealing is wrong, evil and disgusting. It is immoral to steal and this woman above is a psycho path who should spend a lot of time behind bars where she belongs. 

I will force the judges in Wisconsin to send this above karen to prison for at least a year , either through blackmail, bribery or extortion. 

I am going to Wisconsin to use 'direct action' against the Democrats there to force them to never allow repeat offenders like this psycho path, thief criminal above to get bail.

The Democrats with their knee jerk reaction to police hooliganism (criminal justice reform) is the worst way to fix it.

No cash bail has caused a rise in violent crime. https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/commentary-no-cash-bail-has-led-to-an-increase-in-violent-crime-2759133/ 

461 replies



8 months ago

Looks like that signature bond idea is working out real good ..... for the criminals.





8 months ago

 Joshua Jones  Signature bond does not require paying money. It is a promise to pay. It is a get-out-of-jail-FREE card. Do you really think her parents are posting $1000 and $500 bonds every week for her misconduct? Zero evidence for your conclusion.





8 months ago

Welcome to left wing America.





8 months ago

 Joshua Jones  12:44 Released with $1000 signature bond. (2 months later) 13:00 Released on $500 signature bond. Since then arrested 7 more times: harm to a health care provider, battery, drugs. The arresting video was on 12/11/22.... it is now 5/29/23.... that is 6 months. A grand total of 9 arrests in 6 months. Stop making excuses for criminals. Did you even watch the video?





8 months ago

 @lane1313 hahaha! Because it was any different before.





8 months ago

That would be due to democrat DA Peter J. Rindal. It's like this in all liberal counties. 

I am against the Celebrity Industrial Complex including Celebrity worship





u/LongBadgerDog replied to your post in r/asktransgender · 3d

I am not in US but being trans isn't a political thing. You can form your opinions yourself. It's ok to be unsure about about things too. 

Good article on migrant crisis in Chicago here https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/29/us/chicago-migrants-residents.html

If the US migrant crisis was like the migrant crisis in Europe, I would react to it like Fox News reacts to it

Celebrity worship

Extras in movies and tv shows are NOT celebrities and are NOT notable. They are as unfamous as my old youth group leaders


I am against celebrity worship and stanning. God created us all equal

ANYONE can become famous and become a celebrity (literally anyone). In the US there are 300+ million people who can become as big or bigger than even B listers and that is a fact. I want to demystify celebritiness. We have to abolish this concept of well known people, monoculture and the like. I will do that by force

I am against the celebrity industrial complex and I am going to abolish it 

I am sick and tired of celebrities being worshiped, stanned etc. The fact is over 80+ of the US could be celebrities if they wanted and most don't since they value their privacy and sanity. 

Celebrities are equal to us. There are possibly googolplex amount of intelligent life beings in our dimension and all people on Earth including celebrities are equally unknown to them.  For example, me and Ed Sheeran are unknown to 99 percent of all intelligent life beings in our dimension

Celebrities are treated by the institutions, government, media etc as better than non celebrities. Findagrave segregates non celebrities from celebrities in memorials, VIPism is also of this. Face it our society is Apartheid 2.0   . There are celebrities/VIPs and then there are the common folk like me and you reading this. Celebrities don't deserve to be rich or famous or to have power. 

The piece of shit filth rag New York Times publishes obituaries of celebrities but they publish no obituaries of the hundreds of millions of other people who chose to do real jobs and not become attention whores. The NYT is part of our problem with our country and I want to abolish that paper and do to the NYT writers what Jon Snow did to his old buddies on Game of Thrones at Castle Black (hint, one of those victims was Olly)

Being able to read a script and do what it says or to sing a freaking song or to hit a baseball or to appear on some dumb garbage reality show should not make someone famous or rich. Until this stops being a reality, our society is doomed and will continue to wither away into a bowl of shit because we cannot solve our society's issues with this huge rain cloud hanging over our heads

It is wrong for actors, actresses, pro sports players, pro wrestlers, reality star dorks to get treated like they are Gods or better than others simply because for some stupid reason the majority of them decided to do what the vast majority of our planet could do if they really wanted, and because the media creates their stardom as a consumerist ideal and commodifies them like modern day slaves

The vast majority of celebrities today will be long forgotten in a century or more. No one born 500 or 1000 years from now will know who Tom Brady, Chris Moneymaker,  Tailor Swift is. They are not historical figures but mass media created entities the Cathedral shoves down our throats and forces us to worship or stan for

Everyone on Earth should be a celebrity or no one except the ones I say should be


NFSW , invisible drop down menu, shiposts:(combo of political shipping and shitposts):

Why am I not surprised that another major German company had a nazi past? https://thegrayzone.com/2024/02/19/adl-bmg-to-drop-roger-waters-nazi-past/   At least one such company, the EU has done good ,what has BMG done since the USSR and its ally assistants won WWII? Released ear worm music which has plagued our ears and caused outer space to have a lot of bad music signals percolating throughout it?

A Jewish Brazilian journalist, 


, has appealed to the Supreme Court over orders forcing him to delete interviews and posts with harsh criticisms of Israel.

The pro-Israel group 


 has repeatedly obtained censorship orders against him.


Glenn Greenwald


Part of this is the result of the generalized and very repressive censorship regime imposed in Brazil since 2019 that models much of the Western world.

It is largely Jair Bolonsaro's fault for starting this Western harsh pro censorship era in Brazil. Right Wing Censorship leads to left wing censorship. We must destroy the right wing to bring freedom to all 

Also, Brazil is evil and wrong to continue to be westernized. Brazil needs to become DE Westernized and ANTI WEST. It needs to be a strong member of BRICS.   

Brazil is so westernized they literally worshiped that talentless, propaganda artist, butt ugly blonde dame 'singer' who whines about her ex boyfriends dumping ass. Keep in mind such mind numbing cultish , western group think and brainwashed behavior towards a singer a morbid, dark, horrific part of our culture, but such behavior is the reason that Mark David Chapman killed John Lennon in 1980 (and unlike Lennon, Skyler Twift is a run of the mill, laregly unknown outside the US, autotuned propaganda Barbie with not a shred of singing talent in her body)

Brazil is so westernized and Americanized these morons literally worshiped Sailor Blimpft , where not only did they show Catholicism and Christianity in the country is dead but that the US wrongly is the center of the universe for those American wannabe stan barbarian Brazilians. Brazil is thus a slave state to the US and under captivity to the West

Brazilians are more patriotically aligned with Nike, Disney, Apple, Coca Cola, Yums Brands, Walmart, Toys R US, Pepsi, and other US corporate fascists than they are toward Brazil itself.  Brazil needs to ban all those companies , create its own companies in those fields etc. Brazil needs to run off the US/Western plantation and become emancipated from the US and West just like the slaves in Brazil did in the late 19th century. I am tempted to say Brazil was more free in the early mid to mid 19th century than it is today

If Brazil ever makes Peanut Butter big in its country, I am going to leave the Americas forever

But part of it is the extreme censorship imposed against Israel critics in many countries since Oct 7.

Liberalismo Brazuca


But he has really committed crime. It is not a critic to Israel, Breno Altman was calling then Rats and should be pursued by being Jew.

Glenn Greenwald's BASED, TRUE, AWESOME and CORRECT response to the butthead LiberaliSCHMO Bazooka Brain:


That's exactly what the (SO CALLED) left says to justify censorship: the law prevents hate speech against minorities, etc.

Just don't pretend to believe in free speech in the future when the ideas you like are silenced by the courts. (I concur Glenn, tell this fascist to eat lead)

Glenn you are correct 100 percent. Brazil is nothing but a puppet regime of the West and US. Lula is a phony, Leftist in Name Only. We need a color revolution in Brazil and then install my hand picked President for Brazil. Help me pull this off

If Brazil continues to implement these harsh fascist orwellian anti free speech policies, I am going to use hacking to cut off ALL internet access in Brazil for years. I will go out of my way to block internet signals from getting into Brazil to make them pay for this. If they can't have free and open internet in Brazil, Brazil should not have any internet access. Besides, Brazil just blindly connected to the World Wide Web in the 1990s because everyone else in the West was doing it, they didn't even stop for 1 second to think 'hey maybe we should reject this and go down our own path to the future and beyond'.  Brazil sucks

Whenever someone speaks out against Israel's brutality or human rights violations against Palestinians and others, they are forced to take a visit to the Holo caust museum in order to guilt them into changing their opinion, take back their criticism and become more pro Israel.  

The Jews thus use the Holo caust museum as a prop in order to guilt bold Israel critics into being Pro Israel.   What is ironic is that Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu claims that rightfully calling Israel's ongoing brutality and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians a genocide is 'holo caust trivialization', yet Jews don't seem to think that them goading bold Israel critics into taking a visit to the Holo caust musuem to guilt them into changing their views on I-P and becoming pro Israel is also 'holo caust trivialization'.   

If anything the latter is much closer to Holo caust trivialization than the former since Jews use the Holo caust museum as a political prop to guilt bold Israel critics into stopping their criticism of Israel and becoming Pro Israel. The Holo caust was bad, all murder, torture and violence is bad and should never happen, but the Jews continue to use that to suppress criticism of Israel or their Zionist lobby 'never again means never again'.  I can't even

The jews don't want another holo caust which is obviously understandable. But using the holo caust museum as a prop to silence any fair criticism of Israel will only make people forget that in a moment of madness. I have fell into that trap myself sadly at times

I am against Brazil's draconian, authoritarian, orwellian 

Western censorship pretends to justify itself oppressing free speech under the guise of 'fighting disinformation/misinformation' But that is a crock of shit.

Imagine if the US used that weak sauce justification of banning 'disinformation/misinformation' to ban MLK Jr and the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s 

Isn't it funny that the western censorship liberal 2.0 machine (including this fake progressive filth rag who supports suppressing free speech, independent thought and freedom) who suppresses free speech and censors free speech under the guise of 'disinformation/misinformation' are the ones who get to decide what is and isn't 'disinformation/misinformation' (with help from their science liberal lobby and 'expert' lobby)

This pro censorship western liberal 2.0 machine above gets to even choose which so called 'fact checkers' they use to 'confirm' or 'deny' a claim . But in reality all that is them pretending to 'fact check' but in fact just pretending their view is confirmed by their so called 'fact checks'.  When these goons take the ability to check facts away from everyday people and do so for us themselves, that is a tell tell sign that there is an pro Orwellian censorship machine at play. Imagine what the Right Wing could do if they had this power.(which is urgent we abolish it before the right wing flips the script)

The liberal 2.0 western pro censorship brigade whines about preventing 5 year olds from reading transgender porn or Queer erotica or revisionism (i.e the 1619 Project) /reverse racism (CRT) yet these same buttbrains promote and even push for internet censorship on Big Tech of right wing or left wing views they disagree with. Hypocrite monster bums

I want to

It is literally the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell's 1984 book. Call this cliche but it is true 


https://www.csis.org/analysis/brazils-misaligned-censorship-policy-risks-cutting-free-speech-spite-disinformation  (when a US pro war, government funded think tank says your free speech censorship policy goes too far and is oppressive you know Brazil is as much of a Fascist nazi country now as they were when they were aligned with Addie Hitler and the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s)

https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/5/5/a-brazilian-ministry-of-truth-is-in-the-making (Yes Brazil's censorship policy is Ministry of Truth 2.0)

https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230512-brazil-s-internet-bill-row-explained (Brazil's violent suppression of free and open internet and freedom of speech is so severe and evil, even pro censorship machine Google criticized them for going too far, let that sink in for a minute, it is time we make Brazil pay and suffer for their orwellian , hatred of free speech. No matter who is President of that US wannabe country, whether it is Bolonsaro or Lula, free speech is non existant. Lula and Jair Bolonsaro both should be put in a slave camp to make them pay






I am absolutely against Scream VII unfairly firing Melissa Barrera and WME (a Zionist Israeli lobby group)


The fact that WME almost fired Melissa Barerra for rightfully posting a donation link asking her followers to donate money to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East makes it real hard for me to not believe there is a Israel/Zionist lobby in the US. Where there is smoke there is fire

Why don't Anti Christianity? Anti Islam? (and not the Anti Anti Islam of the ADL which exploits Anti Islam in order to have an excuse to go after Israel critics and Zionist occupier criticism under the guise of fighting so called Islamaphobia while the ADL themselves work to oppress Muslims to make any support for Muslims or Islam a right wing cause)

Promoting a UN link to help war torn refugees from Palestine get help is a GOOD thing not a bad thing and WME are Islamaphobic, racist and Arabphobic for being against Palestinian refugees getting help

Between her unjust firing from Scream 7 for speaking out against Israeli genocide and abuse to her almost getting dropped for sharing a link to a UN site which helps Palestinian refugees and gives relief to Palestinians  (the UN is the world's leading human right's organization btw), if there isn't a Israel lobby in Hollywood which just so happens to coincide with the fact that Jews are overrepresented in Hollywood then real life must be as fake as Hollywood

This is a travesty that the people of all religions, political leanings, irreligions and ethnicities who run Hollywood have so much sway as to get her fired for dear criticizing Israel and trying to give humanitarian aide to Palestinians in need.  This has to end. Christianity is like a pinata for Liberals to pick on with no repercussions. You still have the barbarians at MSNBC trashing Christianity as they did today Feb 25 2024. Where is this collective defense for Christianity when it is being trashed that you see with Judaism?

Oh wait, the ADL and its cronies have politicized Jews and Judaism and have been part of an Anti Christian crusade. It is sick and twisted and I will do something about this pronto.

https://variety.com/2024/film/news/melissa-barrera-controversy-social-media-posts-uproar-wme-1235894339/ Outside of supporting Julian Assange and going after China for the lab leak and coverups, if Australia is doing something in World matters it is best to take the opposite position of Australia

I support that UN group and the West pro Israel lobby as wrongly slandered that UN agency based on fabrications, lies and misinfo. 

I am against the UK's draconian, fascist, Orwellian (ironic huh?) laws which wrongly punish whistleblowers and patriots like Kit (as mentioned by him here). Shame on the UK, for once again proving they are just as oppressive as they were when they owned the US and oppressed the US through taxation.  I almost wish the UK lost WWII.  The UK can get BENT (no pun intended Archie)

Slaps on the wrists  are wrong .  I support being sterner on crime with common sense criminal justice laws that the Average redditors would support

I am sick and tired of liberal woke fools making everything about race. Caitlyn Clark is a good person, great basketball player and she should not be criticized for her race or for her happening to be white. The woke fools who criticize Caitlyn Clark over non basketball stuff like her race, are extremists, and the same extremists who are infecting our college campuses . They seek to divide us, but we need to unite against them and push back against their race hustling and racialization of everything. Such woke nonsense we've endured since 2020 has to end and I will make it end. Anyone who criticizes Caitlyn Clark because she is white or who calls her a racist or complains she is dominating basketball or beating black players , is a racist, and if a white person says such toxic garbage they are a self hating white and a traitor

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4 mo. ago


Sunny is intolerant, and intolerance is what widens cultural, racial and sexual divisions, not mends them.






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4mo ago

Yes blame the black Latina for widening the divide. You sound just like Niki Haley blaming Obama for widening the divide in the US during his presidency.

Maybe do some reflecting on why you feel so strongly that one individual is personally responsible in such a big way.







0 awards




4mo ago

This is soooooo true.







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14 more replies


4mo ago

How is she intolerant?







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4mo ago


4mo ago

u/ntt307 avatar


4mo ago

I think you should give a little more in your argument here, instead of just making an extremely short statement like its true.







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u/AltruisticBerry4704 avatar


4mo ago

Yes I don’t like her. She comes off as very arrogant and snobby.







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4mo ago

u/GeorgeCasey9 avatar


4mo ago

I wish they would let her go from the show. She reminds me of Star Jones in her later years completely unbearable to watch. I used to like her back in the day







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4mo ago

I don’t think she’s intolerant. I think she challenges people a lot and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that….. technically that’s what they’re supposed to be doing on the view but I do feel like it’s important for us to hear Alyssa and Ana‘s perspective because they are conservatives and Ana doesn’t even come across as conservative at all.







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4mo ago

Indeed it's important to hear perspective but I just don't think Sunny challenges - I think she dismisses, which enables divide.



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