Help me put Florida thief, abuser and psycho path Crystal Kiser behind bars for years


I am a Radical Left Marxist Feminist, and while I mean what I write below this bolded bloc of text, I believe that the male patriarchy played a small part in Crystal Kiser becoming a kleptomaniac, abuser and monster.  I am not justifying or even rationalizing what she did but the fact is male patriarchy is a factor in at least some crimes women commit and women being lifelong criminals like this troll woman.

This woman should be banned from Walmart for life. I am going to force Walmart to ban her from all their stores for life by going to Bentonville Arkansas and hacking their computers to put her on the ban list. if Walmart employees in Bentonville try to stop me, I will do to them, what Terry Gene Bollea did to Jimmy Hart at Halloween Havoc 1995 after Jimmy Hart turned on Hogan mid match.

She got arrested four more times after this video, and 12 times so far we know of!! She doesn't learn anything; not even shitting her pants was strong enough of a deterrent to her.

That old lady victim who Crystal KKKiser stole from is absolutely wrong, woke and foolish to say she has to take part of the blame for leaving her wallet unattended.... no, it's not the old lady theft victim's fault!  

I will buy firearms and literally force western society to stop victim blaming, even when it's ourselves (literally force)  I am going to locate that old lady in the Villages that Crystal Kiser stole from , and I will go to her home and force her to say it is 100 percent Crystal Kiser's fault that her wallet was stolen and that she has zero blame for her wallet being stolen.

And the male patriarchy is the larger scope villain in Crystal KKKiser being a horrible klepto criminal troll but that is not to say Klu Klux Kiser is not 100 percent to blame in this at the same time, because she is to blame 100 percent in this. She still has free will and knows right from wrong.  Stop babying these monsters, we need to force Krystal Klanser Kiser to own her mistakes, repent and not do them. 

If we can't use authentic leftist restorative justice then we need to end this woke psuedo bastardization of it and make thugs like Crystal Meth Kiser pay and receive the punishment they deserve. 

This is exactly what’s wrong with our country. She has been arrested 12 times on similar things since 2018. How is she not in jail she needs to be put in jail for 5 to 10 years to let her think about her actions. Period!

So I am going to get some DA in Florida to arrest Crystal Kiser and put her in jail for at least 2 years. She should be in prison for all the abuse and crimes she has done and only then will she MAYBE realize what a monster she is

I call on everyone reading this, keep calling the DA in Crystal Kiser's area and force that DA to charge her with a boatload of crimes and to put her in prison for years. 

She never learned no as a kid, she is the symbol of everything that is wrong and evil with our society and I will put my boot down with her because if our law enforcement and legal system is too woke thanks to pro Hamas rape radical Liberals, then I will take matters into my own hands with Crystal and similar cases. Viglanitism because that old lady she stole from needs closure and putting this animal KKKrystal Kiser behind bars will give her that closure

Sickening! Stealing someone's wallet out of their cart is despicable. She is repulsive!

What a disgusting individual! How does a person poop their pants, having it come out like that?? Was she not wearing underwear? I'm baffled. And grossed out to the core.

Can you imagine shitting your pants while getting handcuffed then having it posted all over the internet. LOL.


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