More political 2 cents


Dr Cornel West is more of a progressive and leftist than EVERYONE in the Democrat Party and anyone who says otherwise should be thrown in a gulag north of the Arctic Circle

Dr Cornel West is one of the best, most intelligent, thoughtful people of our generation . He is a way more progressive and leftist than Joe Biden and everyone in the Democratic Party

Dr Cornel West is infinite times better for blacks than Joe Biden. Joe Biden is a net negative for blacks but Cornel West is a champion for blacks. He cares about blacks infinite times more than Joe Biden ever could on Biden's best day

Joe Biden has constantly been anti black from his racist bigoted comments (like 'if you don't vote for me you ain't black) to his busing ban (which was not for Libertarian reasons) to Biden's crime bill to Joe Biden's virtue signaling and woke moves when he got into office which were just to trick blacks into thinking he supported them (Joe Biden is a segregationist so that is why he loves the CRT which also calls for segregation albeit from a poc, radlib perspective instead of a hard right perspective) 

White Democrat liberal media/politicians etc including Joe SKKKarborough, Bill Kristol should keep their big mouths shut. Unlike those polemic freaks, Dr Cornel West is a reknown respected scholar and to call for him to step down to allow a weak bigoted fool candidate like Joe Biden to be the Dumocratic nominee makes me want to take those Dems and throw them off a bridge head first. Joe Biden is not the best we can have in the Democratic Party. He is a moderate fool and the Democratic Party's version of Donald Trump (but without the mean tweets)  Joe Biden himself did a soft coup according to Victor Hansen by radically making our country so much worse as President /s  

Any black who would choose Joe Biden over Cornel West is officially and literally a SLAVE to Joe Biden and his political machine. Such blacks are beyond hope and better to leave such blacks on the Joe Biden political machine plantation . Afro Pessimism backs me up here (work in progress)

 - - - 

Fock Hakeem Jeffries

Like his Dummycrap collegues, Hakeem Jeffries lies and exaggerates the Republicans stance on abortion (see here for more)

Supporting a 16 week abortion ban IS NOT MAGA EXTREMISM, it is not extremism period. Hakeem Jeffries is a evil psycho path who hates , smears and attacks people who have different views than him. Jeffries is the poster child of everything that is wrong with this country. He deepens the polarization and divide in this country. He is a partisan hack and if anyone is an extremist it is him. He never once condemned his uncle's anti semetism. Jeffries constantly talks down to Republicans . Jeffries needs to be removed from speaker and replaced with Josh Gottheimer or Abigail Spang--- or Ihlan Omar. Jeffries is a bum

To Hakeem Jeffries, half of Americans support a 16 week abortion ban, so I guess half of our country are 'MAGA EXTREMISTS' or "EXTREMISTS'.  

News flash to that Barack Obama wannabe Hakeem Jeffries, Pro Life views have existed long before MAGA and in fact have nothing to do with MAGA. Pro Life people tend to be Catholic, moderate Republican 

In Germany and France and the vast majority of Europe abortion is banned after like 16 weeks. In fact if the US enacted a 16 week abortion ban, it would be just like the vast majority of countries on Earth. Hakeem Jeffries is scum and he has not lived up to my expectations. I will ensure Jeffries is forced out of his speaker role because he is as clueless, naive, heartless, cruel and divisive as Republicans are. Jeffries is like a Democratic Party version of MAGA. Oh and he isn't even progressive, he opposes Socialism .  He only works with Republicans on the Israel issue, which is great but he has attacked Anti Zionists so much that  I can't even count him being pro Israel as a good thing

The Hill

48 percent in new poll say they would support 16-week abortion ban

2 days ago

National Review

A New Poll Shows That a 16-Week Abortion Ban Has Plurality Support

1 day ago


Nearly half of Americans would support 16-week abortion ban: Poll

1 day ago

YouGov Today

More Americans support than oppose a 16-week

 Hakeem Jeffries is the extremist. He is a divisive, partisan, establishment hack who attacks progressives ,leftists and Republicans non stop

He is absolutely wrong to label Republicans he doesn't agree with as 'extremists'. He is causing them to hate him and deeping the political polarization in our country. Hakeem Jeffries represents everything that is wrong with the Democrats.

Hakeem Jeffries makes me want to support 'extreme MAGA Republicans'


Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (.gov) › press-releases › le...

Nov 8, 2023 — It has come to my attention that, in the last hour, Senator Lindsey Graham says he plans to reintroduce his 15-week abortion ban. Senator ...

Jeffries suggests Dems won't help nominate 'extremist ...

The Hill › homenews › house › 4255999-jef...

Oct 14, 2023 — Lindsey Graham · Fani Willis · Alabama Supreme Court. Just In... Widow of ... Hakeem Jeffries of N.Y., speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill ...


Kristen Gonzalez is a true progressive leftist unlike Joseph Biden  (work in progress)

I am a supporter of State Senator Kristen Gonzalez of NY and I support all her actions and views especially her innovative and creative climate change prevention plans

Any person who falsely believes Kristen Gonzalez is anything but a progressive leftist should be involuntarily thrown into a mental institution and then forced to have electroshock therapy until they come to their senses and realize that Kristen Gonzalez is a true leftist and progressive. You would have to be a leftist extremist to believe Kristen Gonzalez is to the right of AOC or Jamie Raskin ON ANY ISSUE.

Kristen Gonzalez is more left wing/progressive i.e more feminist, more pro bipoc, more anti Russia than Joe Biden, Jamie Raskin

If liberal 2.0 extremists want to wrongly attack Kristen Gonzalez for not being left enough or progressive enough for them, then they should first attack Joe Biden, since unlike Kristen Gonzalez, Joe Biden is an anti black racist, from his degrading blacks in the last few years with his bigoted comments, to his crime bill which he knew damn well targeted blacks disproportionately, to Joe Biden's anti busing thing (yes I know the whole libertarian argument for that but I feel at worst he should have just deferred his vote on that to other Democrats randomly)


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