Good soveritnty m focult trad

 o, they're not. I suggest reading "Society must be defended" where Foucault advances his synthesis of democracy and socialism.

Michael Foucault is skeptical of state power thus his emphasis on defoundationalizing state-centric hegemony but he is no anarchist. Essentially, for humans to actually engage democracy we gotta learn our history. This genealogical method then serves as a new basis for political sovereignty.

There certainly are post-foucauldians who take the route of "the State is unethical" thus we need a new basis for Community (e.g. Giorgio Agamben). This leads you down the rabbit hole of Heideggerianism, etc.

Edit: oops misread your comment originally. He is not an orthodox Marxist or heavily criticizes historical materialism (in the fact, the opposite..) but his thinking is vital for socialism. Can delve more into the synthesis comment above if so desired.


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