Women issue extremists
You wrongly think it is bannable to defend a pro lifer on Socialism reddit and that defending said pro lifer is 'tactical misogny'
You wrongly support Victoria Vaughn Spruce being arrested for her peacefully praying at the abortion clinic in the UK (see here for more)
You wrongly think Ryan Grim is sexist or misogynist for his tweet that was critical of NARAL (see here)
You who wrongly want death for all pro lifers .
You wrongly believe this view "LB1122 has a point, if both more women die getting an abortion because it is illegal and if as much or more unborn babies die because it is illegal then you can look at killing the pro life people who pushed roe to be overturned or who pushed abortion bans/restrictions as technically justifiable. But the way some of her followers phrase it makes me want to beat the snot out of them:" don't go far enough in talking about killing pro lifers and thus wrongly say said view is misognist/sexist/right wing/anti abortion
Your wrongly believe this quote "LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO jane fonda is real as fuck for this like… she’s literally right, if ur killing ppl who need abortions… u deserve the same treatment "·
don't go far enough in talking about killing pro lifers and thus wrongly say said view is misognist/sexist/right wing/anti abortion
You wrongly believe pro life centers should not exist and or that people who support said pro life centers are misognist/sexist/right wing/ etc
You oppose parental notification laws but are against children being able to have as much freedom as Murray Rothbard called for and or are against children smoking under the age of 20, and or are against the age of consent being 16 or 16 and a half and or you are against 17, 18 , 19, 20 year old girls marrying guys who are 10 to 40 years older than them
You are solidly against artificial wombs and fetus transfer
You wrongly support Colorado's standards (or alleged standards) of being able to (or allegedly being able to) abort all the way up to birth for whatever reason.
You wrongly believe that being pro life is supporting biological terrorism
You think it is wrong/sexist/misgonist to be happy your wife or husband was never aborted
You want prostitution legalized for the pimp/ you criticize anyone who is against prostitution as sexist/misognist and or transphobic
You wrongly think being against vitro fertilization for everyone is transphobic
You wrongly think that Teen vogue here and in early to early mid 2020s (like here) is sexist or misgonist
You wrongly think that being a trans inclusive feminist is sexist/misognist/transphobic/misandrist
You don't believe men also get treated unfairly under patriarchy
You wrongly call menslib people (including the reddit menslibs) sexist/misgonist/transphobic
You wrongly think Marxism Feminism is sexist/misognist for being class focused
You wrongly are against Anarcha Feminism for saying dissolving authoritarianism and capitalism can help defeat patriarchy
You wrongly think that decentralized free association replacing the family unit as the norm is patriarchal and sexist/misognist
You wrongly want the family unit to be abolished by force instead of rightfully wanting it to be abolished as the norm and without force via voluntary methods
You wrongly think using the word Anarcha instead of Anarcho is sexist or misgonist
You wrongly think that Camilla Vallejo is a sexist/misognist
You wrongly think Marcy from MWC is a misognisty sexist
You wrongly think that Lilith’s critiques in this link (of Feral Faun/Wolfi Landstreicher’s critiques of feminism) is sexist/misognist/patriarchal/transphobic
You wrongly think this statement is sexist/misognist/patriarchal "This is not to say that "seperatism" as a method of unlearning patriarchy can’t be useful for both men and women. I am a staunch believer in "men against sexism" type groups, and "women's safe spaces". I like the idea of women's' solidarity and "sisterhood" (although there is some power tripping there), and although the notion of "brotherhood" gives me pause , I am not closed to the potential for liberation there. "
You wrongly think that I support using judicial reform to eliminate male patriarchy/patriarchy from the legal system is not nanny state enough and or is sexist/misgonist/patriarchal/male saviourism
If you wrongly think this is point is sexist/misognist/patriarchal: "This allows for the true emancipation of women from traditional social inferiority and economic exploitation. This means society should collectively assume the roles that mothers and wives were traditionally assigned (via remove private property and a classless society). Basically a society with a Rule of Mothers
Whether or not families actually want to pass off their kids to strangers so women can keep working like men do, or whether or not this is the most ideal goal for human flourishing, I haven’t examined enough to form a definitive conclusion."
If you wrongly think it is sexist/misog/patriarchal to use degrowth and feminist economy to further women's rights
If you wrongly think postcolonial feminism is racist/sexist/misognist/patriarchal
If you wrongly think that all aspects of postfeminism is sexist/misonigtst/patriarchal
If you wrongly think this type of far left feminist thinking is sexist/misog/patriarchal
You wrongly think being against bourgeois feminism from the left is sexist/misog/patriarchal
You wrongly think I am sexist or misog/patriarchal for calling these Gen Z women self hating
You think this is sexist/misog/patriarchal M-L Feminism
You wrongly think that Podemos is sexist/misog/patriarchal
If you wrongly blame ‘privileged white women’ over root causes of sexual violence
You wrongly think that the word mother and woman should be erased AND that th
You believe that woman should play in the NFL (or at least non kicker/non punter posiitons) , or at worst you believe that there should be an equal number of woman and male players and coaches in the NFL
You wrongly don't think that there is a physical difference between men and women's bodies, no matter hwo small
You wrongly think this is sexist, transphobic and or misgonist
You wrongly don't believe women should fight back or use self defense against sexual abusers
You literally believe All woman 100 percent of the time automatically with no reservations (and are against this type of thinking on that)
You wrongly think that this: As a Individualist Feminist/Libertarian Feminist, I support individualism, personal autonomy, choice, consent , freedom from state sanctioned discrimination, equality under the law for all women
I support free choice for women. Women (or men for that matter) shouldn’t follow hive mind thinking and should be free to express themselves without obstruction or harming others. Moreover we should support Women's rights because our mothers are (or were if they died) women and they gave birth to us." is sexist/misgonist/patriarchal
You wrongly think that women can't just jump in and edit like the guys on Wikipedia
You wrongly think that urinals/men standing to pee is sexist/misognist/patriarchal
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