rac ethn


If you wrongly agree with this woke idiot moron Muquen M Zhang and wrongly think that lawn maintenance and having nice lawns is racist, anti black, wrong, bad etc 

You wrongly think that Nina Turner is anti black, racist or serving white supremacy/whiteness

You wrongly think that Dr Cornel West is anti black, racist or serving white supremacy/whiteness

You wrongly think this article/interview is racist/anti black, right wing, fascist, serving white supremacy etc

You wrongly think that being racially and ethnically color blind is racist/anti black, right wing, fascist, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think that Afro Pessimism is racist, anti black, fascist, right wing, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this article is racist, anti black, right wing, fascist, serving white supremacy 

If you wrongly think this view "Counterpoint to the Afro Pessimism point above

If the "anti-blackness" served or will serve as a template for other marginalized groups, it could become a nightmare where every individual discrimination morphs into supreme for different marginalized groups only and thus no solidarity can ever be had outside each tiny group.

Afro Pessimism should incorporate some concept of unity/textbook black unity to not be so anti solidaritiac 

My own take of this is that wokeness has a hierarchy. Only a small amount of people will be familiar with these academics and their positions yet those small amount of people will influence a far larger number of people who simply want to virtue signal and repeat slogans without ever realizing what it is that they're repeating.

In her more recent book Toward a Global Idea of Race, Denise Ferreira Silva further claims that we can’t comprehend the ‘present global configuration’ unless we ‘unpack how the racial, the cultural and the nation institute the modern subject’ and analyze the context in which the modern subject emerged and was produced. 

Silva writes that racial difference is not an ideological or cultural construction but it is instead a real category and is responsible for structuring the contemporary global configuration. 

So precisely because race supplies the discursive basis for the subordination of non-white people, even specific studies of Blackness must be placed in the global historical context in which racialised subjects emerged. 

In this way, we might avoid US-centric ontological (supposedly universal) conceptions of Blackness while simultaneously emphasising the histories of interconnection between Black populations across the world. 

In short, the object of analysis is not the afterlife of slavery but the multiplicity of afterlives of slavery and colonization; the aim is to study how these exist within a global system structured by imperialism

So in some ways an illusion and we should try to transcend it and judge people on their individual merits" is racist, anti black, right wing, fascist, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this article view is racist, anti black, right wing, fascist, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think that Multi racial working class solidarity, like Down Home North Carolina is doing, as mentioned here is class reductionist, racist, anti black, fascist, right wing, serving white supremacy 

To a much lesser extent, you think that class reductionism is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this view "Minority rights and people's individual identities are important, but that shouldn’t be the main focus, Power should go to the people at large, in particular the working people

Capitalism makes people lonely and isolates them. A better system would give people more social opportunities and greater social integration, which would lead to more fulfilling personal lives." is racist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this view "the Aristocrat class/PMC in the US sadly is mostly made up of whites. In the French Revolution the left abolished the Aristocracy, when we abolish all classes and create a classless society, we will luckily abolish the Aristocrat class/PMC and as a consequence with that, all classes removing this aristocracy/PMC of mostly whites" is racist, anti black, fascist, right wing, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this article view is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy , or even class reductionist 

You wrongly think this view is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy , or even class reductionist 

You wrongly think this view : "We have to fight against the palimpsests of ongoing oppression

We have to understand that in order to win over the masses, special consideration has to be made to workers who face super exploitation such as African American workers/BIPOC workers, women workers ,LGBTQ workers etc  

In his book Toward Soviet America, William Z Foster writes, “The capitalist class not only robs the workers as a whole, but it visits special exploitation upon those sections of the working class — Negroes, foreign-born, women, youth, the aged, etc. — who, for one reason or another, are the least able to defend themselves in the class struggle.” From the early days of left wing socioeconomic history, our leaders understood the relationship between class and special oppression." is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly believe this view: "I support the right of self determination for these groups of the US: African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics-Latinos, Hawaiians, Asians, Arabs and Pacific Islanders" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly believe this view "I am against Asian students being discriminated against in admissions by colleges such as Yale. Colleges should stop discriminating against Asian students. I support Donald Trump's lawsuit against Yale (including this view). " is racist/sinophobic, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

If you wrongly think this view "It would be good if African Americans or BIPOC as a whole become the dominant minority(s) in the US (and until then positive action like in Europe to get us to that point) or if African Americans or BIPOC as a whole (via more migration) made up the majority race-ethnicity in the US (with whites becoming the minority) and or we abolished our white ethnocentric structures in the US etc.  But these changes  would have to be made in a NON woke and NON Liberalism 2.0 way

With any of these changes, it would be the most effective and guaranteed way to break down cultural differences ‘forcefully’ to make everyone feel more equal and it would have the added bonus of liberating racists from their racism toward BIPOC/African Americans. 

This is because white anti black racists, would either be the non dominant majority or would be in the minority race and ethnicity wise or there would be no white ethnocentrism as a weapon for them so they would have to stop being racists and would rightfully have to be pro black/pro BIPOC as a survival mechanism to fit in in such a world (since being white would be seen as different)

It would basically be a super world where whiteness would be dismantled and over and those words wouldn’t have the meanings and perceived ‘power’ dynamics attached to them that a few people think they have now (but ONLY in a non woke and non Liberal 2.0 way).  A true post racist society. "is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

If you wrongly think this view "Even Afro Pessimism's pragmatic and realistic solutions have issues and might not be workable as pointed out by Jacobin here" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view here is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "The way Afro pessimism talks of slavery or a lack of humanity, philosophically too, can seem like a useless and partially harmful activity

Implying that African people will continue to be enslaved so long as whites are complicit and contributing to the societies of other persons comes off like a call to action so it’s a thin line 

It’s all academic lingo. If Wilderson never wrote that book on Afro Pessimism his legacy would still be of him working with Nelson Mandela so I will always respect him regardless

Afro Pessimism applies a lot of American racial concepts to the entire world, and uses anecdotal experiences to justify placing the struggles of Africans at odds with the struggles of every other people

In some ways Afro Pessimism turns into literal American exceptionalism but instead for rich black academics. Some people would see this as a nice grift (if you can get such a grift).with a bit of fanaticism
thrown in (though I am a fan of some aspects of Afro Pessisimism as can be seen throughout this blog)  

Afro Pessimism structures their analysis of Blackness and slaveness around the official abolition of slavery in the United States in 1865, they ignore that slavery wasn’t abolished in Brazil until 1888. 

But in the Afro Pessimism’s ‘afterlife of slavery’, these histories don’t play any role. 

The legacy of US chattel slavery consumes all Black experience, both historical and contemporary. 

If Afro Pessimism were to pay attention to the peculiarities of Brazilian slavery, Afro Pessimism would have to adapt its concept of Blackness to develop an account of how race has structured a social formation with the second largest Black population in the world" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "From this article which touches on this 

“This isn’t to say that there aren’t glimmers of hope in the US literary and academic scene on Afro Pessimism 

John Keene’s part-historical, part-fictional (and political) retelling of the slave experience in Counternarratives, gives equal weight to the specificities of slavery in Brazil under Portuguese rule and in North America in the pre-Civil War era. 

Counternarratives weaves together these diverging but interconnected histories to draw out the underlying logic structuring gender, race and class under different forms of slavery and colonisation. Most importantly, however, Keene plays with the engrained Eurocentric prejudices that colonisers used to belittle and ‘other’ colonial subjects. 

Irrationality and spirituality become sources of power: Keene’s characters actually possess the magical powers that have been attributed to them by the colonisers – these are in turn transformed into a basis for Black insurgency. 

While Keene opens the collection with a quote from Fred Moten on the relationship between philosophy and slavery (‘The social situation of philosophy is slavery’), his exposition of the lived histories of enslaved peoples in various social formations, moves beyond the realm of simple African-American exceptionalism, and his deconstruction of Eurocentric prejudices more in line with the ‘thin’ and strategic deployment of essentialism than the ‘thick’ ontological essentialism of Afro Pessimism” is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view: "One way for Afro Pessimism to fix its essentialism and anti politics issues as follows: (from this article): “Aimé Césaire’s attack on Roger Callois in Discourse on Colonialism illustrates just how ingrained the cultural exceptionalism of Europe was (is) in many intellectuals’ minds, and just how necessary it was (is) to counter such exceptionalism with a ‘thin’ essentialism of one’s own – even if this expression is mainly poetic. 

Whereas the Afro Pessimism essentialism retreats from the realm of politics, the essentialism of the Césaire’s surrealism takes racism and colonialism head on. This ‘strategic essentialism’ – a positivist essentialism that is critical of the ontological idea, while making use of it for specific political purposes – represents something quite different than the ‘thick’ ontological Blackness of the Afro Pessimism, who have no political strategy whatsoever! 

Nonetheless, we must remember that the emphasis in strategic essentialism is on political action; while Césaire focused on achieving the deconstruction of essentialism through poetry and art, we must move beyond the realm of artistic expression and posit a concept of Blackness aimed at the revolutionary transformation of existing social relations.” is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view: (in critiquing Afro Pessimism) :"Do Nigerians get to complain about colonialism and post-colonialism? See here for example

This is the reason why class is the only impactful criterion here, as you will see collaborationist elites within any ethnic or racial group and they typically manage to retain the class privilege they have acquired as colonial collaborators , and also in post-colonial eras

Or do Arabs in general complaining about imperialist neo-colonialism? 

What about Palestinians, is their plight important enough to be attributed to racism or do they need to be transported halfway across the planet for a couple of centuries first? 

Afro Pessimism when applied to rigidly, could cause other identity groups to not have any reason to give a damn about the struggles of blacks, assuming that they do have one and their struggles aren’t some kind of bourgeois white guilt act.

Exceptionalism can hurt both international and class solidarity. 

The Black Panthers rejected exceptionalism and instead embraced international and class solidarity since the Black Panthers rightfully created ties with other groups across the world as opposed to Afro Pessimists being too pessimistic and rigid by saying things like this: 

“ Commenting on comparisons between the plight of Palestinians and Afro-Americans, Frank Wilderson III says, ‘That’s just b.s. First, there’s no time period in which Black police and slave domination have ever ended. Second, the Arabs and the Jews are as much a part of the Black slave trade – the creation of Blackness as social death – as anyone else.’"is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "Jared Sexton fused some of Fred Moten’s Black Optimism/Black Operation ideas into Afro Pessimism to improve the theory “A living death is as much a death as it is living. Nothing in Afro-pessimism suggests that there is no black (social) life, only that black life is not social life in the universe formed by the codes of state and civil society, of citizen and subject, of nation and culture, of people and place, of history and heritage, of all the things that colonial society has in common with the colonised, of all the things that capital has in common with labour – the modern world system.”

More from here

“Jared Sexton shows that Moten’s Black Ops is nothing other than what he instead calls ‘the social life of social death’. There is no either/or distinction between social life and social death: we can think both together by positing that Black life is lived in the underground. Moten even acknowledges, in ‘Blackness and Nothingness (Mysticism in the Flesh)’, that the AP™ and Black Ops are engaged in the same theoretical project:

“In the end, though life and optimism are the terms under which I speak, I agree with Sexton – by way of the slightest most immeasurable reversal of emphasis – that Afro-pessimism and black optimism are not but nothing other than one another. I will continue to prefer the black optimism of his work just as, I am sure, he will continue to prefer the Afro-pessimism of mine

Afro Pessimism needs to add some class theory (Black Marxism by Cedric Robinson would be a good start)  as criteria or something to fill its void of rejecting Intersectionality (maybe Fourth Political Theory i.e 4pt?), as you will find collaborationist elites within any racial or ethnic group and they sometimes manage to retain the class privilege they acquired as colonial collaborators even in post-colonial eras. "is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think that Black Nihilism is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this letter: https://medium.com/@soumynona_/anonymous-letter-from-uc-berkeley-professor-in-response-to-black-lives-matter-protests-24a66a6f1ca7  is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy (or worst you believe said letter should be censored on social media)

You wrongly think this Affirmative Action view: https://books.google.com/books?id=VMZHuyK5NTsC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA16#v=onepage&q&f=false.   is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view:

"Affirmative Action like we currently have can be seen in a positive light in that it shows the state is serious about making society equal instead of pretending to want to make society equal through bureaucratic empty and hollow gestures

Affirmative Action is at its best when instead of merely acting on non-discrimination passively (like.saying "this job is open to any applicant," but making no real efforts to find minority applicants), or using quota like systems,  jobs instead actively take definite actions to find applicants from minorities without delving into quota territory." is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view:

"However, diversity at work=good.This is because a broader pool of talent opens to an employer a greater the probability of finding the optimum person for jobs. Innovation and agility are perceived as the great benefits of diversity, and there’s an increasing awareness of what has come to be known as the power of difference.(good only if done without wokeness)" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "If anti racial bias training can lead to the abolishment of Affirmative Action due to Affirmative Action not being needed anymore, I am fine with anti racial bias training. If it does not do those things, then I don't support anti racial bias training. Some people feel anti racial bias training is superficial " is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "I am more than fine with whites prioritizing blacks over our own race (as long as its in a non woke way otherwise no). When we get rid of classes, hierarchies , there will be no excuse to prioritize anymore " is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "We need to support treating each person regardless of identity strictly on their merits as a person, giving them no more and no less than they show himself/herself worthy to have. This is much better than indifference" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this view "I am not an empathetic ally of blacks as that position only reinforces the racial hierarchy. Instead I am an enemy of ‘ whiteness’    (and I lovingly fight alongside friends). " is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this view "Through Afro-pessimism I makes a critical shift in focus by me moving away from the Black/ white binary and reframing it as Black/non-Black, in order to deemphasize the status of whiteness and to center analysis, rather, on the anti-Black foundations of race and modern society. 

I see Afro-pessimism offering a framework for me to not only understand anti-Blackness but for me to also better comprehend whiteness. Racial categories exist relative to each other— in grossly obvious asymmetrical ways—and so for me understanding whiteness entails me understanding anti-Blackness."  is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this view "Afro Pessimism says that it is important to recognize that whiteness is more than just an identity that one can simply abandon. The idea of being a traitor to one’s race is important when non-Black but it’s not enough. " is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy"  is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy  

You wrongly think this view "I also support Black Anarchism because Black culture is oppositional and always about finding creative ways to resist oppression. Black Anarchism is not so tied to the color of their skin but who they are as people, as people who can resist, who see things differently when they are stuck and thus live differently, hence my reasons for supporting Black Anarchism "is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this view "As great as Black Anarchism is, Patricia Hill Collin's Black Feminist standpoint theory , which is used to extend Black Anarchism into intersectional coalitions by using black women's "oppositional consciousness” at the center of such coalitional politics has limits. Afro Pessimism provides a better way to solve those shortcomings of the Black Feminist standpoint theory and its inability to go trajectory beyond intersectional identity ,as mentioned here " is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this view "I feel systematically antiracist scholars have misconstrued the enemy as white supremacy. A true anti-racist critique should go deeper and engage the legacy of modernity itself" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this article/interview here is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this view "I am glad that BLM is Afro Pessimist essentialist and puts the focus on African American victims of anti blackness and I commend them for using that essentialism model" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this view "Every life has value, and all people have equal value" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this view "I advocate for the abolishment of policing as we know instead of the CNN endorsed flavor of BLM and having a queer African Americans as HR reps" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy 

If you wrongly think this view “One unfortunate thing about [the slogan] Black Power is that it gives priority to race precisely at a time when the impact of automation and other forces have made the economic question fundamental for blacks and whites alike. In this context a slogan ‘Power for Poor People’ would be much more appropriate than the slogan ‘Black Power.’"  by MLK Jr  ,  is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy   futur eother mlk thing other side

You wrongly think this thought salad by me "I am fine with the NAACP. It is good that they have helped advance the rights of POC over the years and the methods they have used (in general). I like how the NAACP creates (advances) the change they seek instead of relying on white petty bourgeois bureaucrats to ‘evolve’ on racial justice and POC rights 

I enjoy reading bulletins from NAACP and using that info from those bulletins to create a better world for everyone.

Two of my favorite NAACP leaders was Web Dubois and Benjamin Hook

I am a fan of Booker T Washington ,Burgess Owens, Dr Thomas Sowell, Harriet Tubman, MLK Jr , Malcolm X and Frederick Douglas

I would have said I am a fan of Louis Farrakhan but he seems to be a hard right reactionary whom the ADL , WJC and SPLC have identified as Anti Jewish. I feel there are better poc role models with better track records who I am a fan of like Malcolm X "is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy 

You wrongly think this viewtree by me : "I am more than fine with the modern day Black Panthers (many of whom are Marxist Leninists) and the NBPP (New Black Panther Party)

I would be ok with Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) brainwashing me to help their black liberation cause like they brainwashed Patty Hearst . I would not put up the slightest bit of resistance if they tried to do so to me. 

The time they spent brainwashing me is time they could never get back and it would be a fun and unique way for me to fight for racial justice for BIPOC people /African Americans

I am an affiliate of A.N.S.W.E.R " is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view tree by me "I am accepting Indigenous protestors and am fine with African American protestors rebelling and going against the Neoliberal state since I also am Anti Neoliberal too

Say what you will about BIPOC+ (including BLM) protesting but there is a silver lining in that in that it shows that protesting is still an effective way to influence the government and corporations to do their bidding. 

Moreover, with groups like BLM protesting, it creates chaos, and according to Lord Baelish from Game of Thrones “chaos is a political ladder” to shift the paradigm from Liberalism 2.0 to the left. Finally, BIPOC+ protestors (including BLM) are against some of the SJW, PC things we are against, so them rioting sort of fights those battles for us

The people who are oppressed and targeted need a voice. I am more than fine with African Americans and BIPOC as a whole fighting for African Americans liberation/BIPOC liberation (that’s their thing). 

I am against Larry Hogan using the National Guard on BIPOC+ protestors in Baltimore years ago. I was between radically center leftist and intuitively pretty somewhat sympathetic of the 'we the people' message from those those protests and those BLM Baltimore protestors themselves 

I am glad that BLM riots/zealously (ymmv) protests against the 'police state' because doing so makes our path to a socialist communal ,classless, heiarchyless , egalitarian society for people of all races and ethnicities less bumpy 

I feel that racial freedom for poc/bipoc demands vigilance: 

On racial justice protests according to Afro Pessimism “ Afro-pessimism can also be used to critique prevalent liberal discourses around community, accountability, innocence, and justice. Such notions sit upon anti-Black foundations and only go so far as to reconfigure, rather than abolish, the institutions that produce, control, and murder Black subjects.

Take for example the appeal to innocence and demand for accountability, too frequently launched when someone Black is killed by police. The discourse of innocence operates within a binary of innocent/ guilty, which is founded on the belief that there is an ultimate fairness to the system and presumes the state to be the protector of all. 

This fails to understand the state’s fundamental investment in self-preservation, which is indivisible from white supremacy and the interests of capital. The discourse goes that if someone innocent is killed, an individual (the villainous cop) must be held accountable as a solution to this so-called injustice. The structural reality of anti-Black violence is completely obfuscated and justice is mistook as a concept independent from anti-Blackness. 

Discrimination is indeed tragic, but systematic dispossession and murder is designedly more—it is the justice system—and no amount of imprisoned cops, body cameras or citizen review boards will eliminate this.”  is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "The true BLM is probably rightfully decentralized where most people who are concerned about the issues BLM are concerned with and got involved would have encountered.

Some individual chapters of BLM actually do good work. These grassroots organizations are the ones actually doing what needs to be done to fix their communities.

Some of them have attended and supported union drives, set up food pantries, just generally good stuff. Many of the countless local BLMs were products of their local area and often do great work in identifying specific problems with specific police forces. 

Local BLM groups, like the one in Detroit were happy to be inclusive and focusing on ending police violence for everyone."is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "When Dr Ibram Kendi says that “capitalism is essentially racist and racism is essentially capitalist” I can't help he has no viable solution. He goes on about antiracist policies but wouldn’t those policies be useless if it’s still a capitalist economy? Does he desire for an entirely new kind of government?

I think that a more nuanced stance on the relations between class and race, definitely between the capitalist mode of production and racism, is Stuart Hall’s essay “Race and Societies Structured in Dominance”. He spends much time articulating the relationship that occurs between race and class in conversation with Karl Marx and various New Left authors.

Dr Ibram Kendi's socialism is not the type of socialism of socialisms past. Dr Kendi falls each time far too short of arriving at a genuinely radical (radical in a good way) politics and instead he recommends a hell of a lot of statist interventions which are fully compatible with capitalism/liberalism (like his Departments of Anti Racism) 

On Dr Kendi's end, it would appear that developing Departments of targeted egalitarianism is the method to fight the horrors of contemporary capitalism. Such policies are decidedly not socialism (CLR James has a compelling work entitled "The Revolutionary Answer to the Negro Problem in the United States which shows the limits of these type of conceptions). Furthermore it does absolutely nothing to make sure that there is no "underclass", it merely ensures that it contains a relatively equal proportion of people from all id groups.

It's somewhat disappointing each time to see support for this type of statist ideologues become so popular, but that's the sad state of our current political state

Dr Kendi is essentially proposing a kind of neoliberalism-preserving antiracism."  is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think the rest of this view thread  is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think these views : "This article by the Atlantic, including Vincent Lloyd's view on anti racism that he mentioned in the article and this stupidpol thread which replied to said article pretty much sums up my meta thoughts on the whole 'anti racist' movement.  I think Vincent Lloyd's brand of anti racism is better than most forms of anti racism and might have some use and it is sad what happened to him by the woke mob. 

Race and the Limits of Law was a fair and pretty decent seminar and it did not perpetrate anti black 'violence', no students were actually harmed by that seminar (wtf?), there was no microaggressions committed etc. The reactions those woke extremist snowflakes had to that seminar are an example of everything I hate about our society, wokeness and our culture.

Some particular snipets of Vincent Lloyd's views on politics I agree with 

"In our lives, we all encounter a deeply human problem: domination. Some have the capacity to arbitrarily assert their will over others. We find this in our families, with bosses at work, with politicians, and systemically: Patriarchy, racism, and colonialism are all systems of domination. Anti-Black racism is the closest we get to a paradigm of domination. Even a century and a half after slavery, the master-slave dynamic, dominator and dominated, fuels anti-Black racism, which is now incorporated into laws and institutions as well as personal vices.

I want a world free of domination. I think we all do. That requires working together to root out systems of domination, some on the surface but many deeply ingrained in our world. Black studies aims to root out domination, in the university and in the world. It grew out of Black-student struggles in the late 1960s and early 1970s, themselves born of the civil-rights movement and anti-war protests. It aims to draw attention to the forms of anti-Black racism that infect each of us and the institutions we inhabit, and to catalyze justice movements today. 

Behind the “woke” label are powerful new visions of justice, new ways of imagining a world free of domination. Instead of politely requesting incorporation into unjust institutions, today’s justice movements rightly demand new institutions that are more responsive to human needs."

Lloyd: The students and I agreed about political principles. We disagreed about political judgment and political strategy. How do we get from our world, full of anti-Black racism, full of interlocking systems of domination, to a world free of domination? We need to feel the urgency of this question, but we also need to develop the sensibilities and virtues that can allow us to suitably respond.

The seminar is a training ground. It requires patience, enduring frustration, attending carefully to others, making distinctions, drawing on personal experience and applying it to the world of ideas. The seminar is not a pure space; there are no pure spaces. But, in contrast to the lecture, the seminar demonstrates to students that they already have knowledge and that, collectively, they can produce knowledge."

"Even in its updated format, a seminar requires risk. People, and especially institutions, don’t like risk. Presumably to reduce that risk, the Telluride Association inserted teachers’ assistants into seminars in what was effectively a layer of anti-racist managers between teachers and students. But that destroys the political potential of the seminar: It can no longer cultivate the sensibilities and virtues needed to combat systems of domination."

"One factor contributing to toxicity on the left today is a failure to recognize that different modes of engagement are appropriate to different sorts of spaces. Some spaces, like seminars and reading groups, are training grounds. Others are sites of political action which require deferring to authority and exercising discipline. Still others are sites of storytelling and imagination."

"Even if, today, we could come up with a list of wrongs needing attention, we would certainly be missing some and misperceiving others; more generally, there are systems of domination affecting us that we haven’t even noticed yet. In the mid-20th century, there was little awareness of homophobia, for example. Who knows what new forms of domination we will have identified a few decades in the future."

"There are forms of anti-Black racism of which we are not aware circulating around people and institutions. That is why we need to cultivate humility, but we need active humility, not the sort that allows us to wallow. 

"institutions know they have bigoted (anti blackness) habits but they are very awkward in formulating responses—and they are always looking for shortcuts.."   tweaked a little by me to mesh w Afro Pessimism

"but we also need to put particular emphasis on attending to the diversity and complexity of Black experience." 

"The seminar I wrote about was attempting to do just this: leverage the students’ interest in questions of racial justice to examine how different racial categories change over time and how they are inhabited differently by different people—and how the law struggles to make sense of this complexity. Each week we read one court decision, one literary text (a novel, memoir, or short-story collection), and three pieces of historical and cultural analysis, with each genre adding new layers and complications to our understanding of race in general, and Blackness in particular."

I also generally agree with this AskALiberal thread on the Vincent Lloyd antiracism article in The Atlantic"is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think that Professor Adolph Reed and his views on race-ethnicity (like for example here) are racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy or even class reductionist 

You wrongly think this view "Traditional antiracism casts the racist working class as foolish, and conclusively incorrect; they misplace their resentment and anti establishment propensities toward fellow members of their own class, immobilizing their own class's outlet for the improvement of its conditions; or to put it another way, they screw themselves over by adopting a false consciousness, and thus are negatively affected by fooling for a racist narrative.

Modern quasi-antiracism paints a completely opposing narrative; in accordance with this narrative, because the white working class benefit from 'white supremacy', and 'white privilege', racism is no longer cast as a type of false consciousness. 

Instead, it is cast as a type of authentic, real, racial consciousness. 

The white working class's conditions are authentically improved by systemic racism, and so racism is seen as in the rational self interest of white people. 

This is commendable if the sole intention behind antiracist movements is bringing about guilt in the white working class, however this does nothing in terms of creating a true and righteous perspective on racism, and conversely, actively distorts the most powerful feature of traditional racism (that is that whites don’t benefit from racism, but are instead fooled by and eventually handicapped by it), and replaces it with a counter-productive narrative that stirs up whites to view racism as legitimately in their self interest, if only to then lead to more division between the working class, and cast the eventual oppression mechanism to be internal, instead of external to, the working class.

Modern intersectionalist 'antiracists' actively push a narrative that is premised on racial essentialism and race-based conflict. The most productive action to do to get the type of people that this ideology appeals to reassess their viewpoints, is to fight it on their own terms, and label it as the racism that it actually, genuinely is. It's anti-racism" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "I feel systematically antiracist scholars have misconstrued the enemy as white supremacy. A true anti-racist critique should go deeper and engage the legacy of modernity itself. (I support the Fourth Political Theory which does just that, critique modernity)

Like how modernity defined human subjectivity through its constitutive exclusion of black people--(understood and ontologized as slaves). 

Though slavery existed at several historical periods and in different geographical locations, the paradigmatic slave for Europeans came to be identified exclusively with blacks. 

The Middle Passage ontologically changed African lives in a way that even exceeded the existential imprints left by the Shoah: Jews went into Auschwitz and came out as Jews, Africans went into the ships and came out as Blacks. The latter is a Human and a metaphysical holo caust. 

According to an Afro Pessimism scholar   "That is why it makes little sense to attempt analogy: the Jews have the Dead (the Muselmann) among them; the Dead have the Blacks among them" . Though this post a good counter to that" and especially this view is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view: “In combating racism we do not make progress if we combat the people themselves. We have to combat the causes of racism.... Many people lose energy and effort combating shadows. We have to combat the material reality that produces the shadow” Amilcar Cabral" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view on racism, antiracism, whiteness, oppression is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "I am not sold on the idea that racism equals prejudice plus power is the correct way to be thinking about the concept, but even if it is I have always been annoyed at how the Liberal 2.0ers have interpreted it.

My point of contention is on how “power” is defined. The Liberal 2.0ers tend to believe that “power” means “the sum of all relative political, social, and economic power structures between whites and non-whites,” which is a unique conception of power to say the least. 

The boss has power over his or her employees. The professor has power over his or her students. 

The armed gunman/gunwoman in your drug store has a vastly actual and physical power over the cowering store patrons. Even in the realm of the purely social sphere, people very commonly have power over other people. For example, a blue-check Twitter user has obvious power to ruin someone’s social life and career by using his or her followers as a weapon to cancel him or her.

However, for one reason or another none of these forms of power count. Racism for one reason or another can only exist when the sum total of every power relation on Earth are tilted, at the most abstract level, towards a particular race. 

And I mean on Earth also too, I have seen some people claim that there is no real thing as anti-White racism in South Africa because they say that Whites on a global scale have ‘power’ over Black people.

Let’s imagine that we could wave a magic wand and correct the entire balance of power to true equality. 

Would the fact that Black people all of a sudden having fair representation in Congress and the same economic outlook as whites somehow change the power dynamic between a gun wielding Lord's Resistance Army member and the victims of his Christian crusade rampage?

Nope! It’s misguided to say that the Lord's Resistance Army member‘s possession of power in this situation is fully dependent on Representative John Doe/Jane Doe being sworn into office, or on the amount of Black Billionaires in the US, but this is exactly what woke people tend to believe." is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "The defining principle of Liberalism 2.0, (including Leftism left of Liberalism 2.0 with Liberalism 2.0 traits), when it comes to the topic of race and racism, is in their minds racism is autonomous, that it has no antecedant causes. That to them it just springs randomly from nature without cause. So Ta-Nehisi Coates likening racism to an earthquake. 

It is actually impossible to believe that and to be a Libertarian Marxist, Marxist Leninist, Marxist or a Marxian Leftist because the entire point of being a Libertarian Marxist, Marxist Leninist, Marxist or a Marxian Leftist is historical materialism, and the entire point of materialism is that originary causes must be found in material processes. If you treat racism as autonomous, you’re an idealist.

It is not just that class analysis is not in the conversation, class analysis is actively suppressed, because Capitalism (if it even is a problem at all) is just a component of the actual issue: racism (or "white supremacy"). Any person who attempts to locate the problem in class is to them, distracting from this.

Obviously this why the corporations and brands are so on board with it: it doesn’t threaten them. If anything, it actually increases their cultural capital and thus, their actual capital. 

Radical action only occurs on the symbolic level. You cannot do anything about the material forces that are truly responsible for police brutality (anti blackness, classism and abelism), but hey, you can paint "BLM" on a street or change the name of a town square. Take that, prison-state! And any attempts at formulating a real material demand are almost ridiculous in how naive and not thought out they are (like the defund the police movement)

But here's the true problem: it is not only not an anti-capitalist project;  if you believe that racism is autonomous and "like an earthquake", well it is inevitable. It cannot be defeated (Afro Pessimism offers similar pessimist conclusions as this but offers radical solutions). 

As wokies usually say, "abolishing capitalism won’t abolish racism" - notice that they never follow this up with a suggestion of what would abolish racism. If the end of capitalism and the whole history of class oppression will not bring the end of racism, what possibly could? (Afro Pessimism offers a radical solutions which do not seem practical to say the very least)

So, it is not an anti-racist project either. If it is anything, it’s just some type of pseudo ethno-nationalism. 

They may not be calling for a black ethno-nation-state, however is there any question that they would not be calling for that if that was realistically calledcfor? (Note the fetishization of Africa in modern times). 

But they are seeking their own carved-out space within the class system which currently exists: reparations, tokenism ,representation, the open calls for whites to transfer their wealth to black people or BIPOC as a whole. They've strangely come full circle to a "separate yet equal" system of racial harmony.

Despite it being a quasi black-ethononationalist movement, when I write "they" I am not even referring to black people or even BIPOC as a whole; I am referring to Liberal 2.0ers, black or otherwise (though who more often than not, happen to be white), who have just appointed themselves to the role of spokesman/spokeswoman for all African Americans. Dissident blacks? Well , they're just politically black (different than the Afro Pessimism type of blackbess)" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "#jobsnotracism"  is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy, class reductionist etc

You wrongly think these views are racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy, class reductionist etc

You wrongly think this view "I am against this type of stuff being taught in k-12 schools, or at least k-8 schools. That is counterproductive and wrong. Young people shouldn’t feel guilty about something they have no control over. That type of teaching is teaching kids lies and I will not allow kids in Scotland to be taught that "(and you wrongly support said teaching) is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think these CRT views "I do not support the CRT being taught in k-12 schools .But at the same time I feel it wouldn't hurt for schools to find and implement ideas from the views expressed in this reddit thread as alternatives to the CRT. That reddit thread has some base and unique ideas that do a fairish job at improving stuff I guess.

The CRT is divisive, controversial and too extreme. 

The CRT is contrary to Marxism, because the CRT is contrary to historical-dialectical materialism (historical-dialectical materialism is a core tenant of Marxism)

The CRT is not rationally inquiring and it goes for narrative, uses stories mostly fictional anecdotal etc which goes against reasoned argumentation and may reinforce stereotypes about BIPOC. 

The CRT like legal liberalism examines issues of race, racism, and equality by focusing on the exclusion and marginalization of those subjects and bodies marked as different and/or inferior. The disadvantage of this approach is that the proposed remedies and correctives to the problem like inclusion, protection, and greater access of opportunity—don’t ultimately challenge the economy of racial production or its truth claims or interrogate the exclusions constitutive of the norm but instead seek to gain equality, liberation, and redress within its confines.

Afro-Pessimism seeks to stage a metacritique of the current discourse that is identified as “critical theory” by excavating an antagonism that exceeds it. This means to recognize this antagonism forces a mode of death that expels subjecthood and forces objecthood (upon Blacks)

Young people shouldn’t be learning college level race theories. This is because the liberal bourgeois historians tell them what to believe and so you get things like the CRT in the process. The CRT is revisionist

If teachers want to teach the CRT let them teach it to students on non school hours.

But I won’t stop the CRT from being taught in schools (not that I can if I wanted to) since I am Libertarian and I am against censorship. Moreover, keep in mind by trying to censor the CRT it might cause people who wouldn't normally read it to want to read it (Streisand effect; people love reading things that are censored).

I feel teaching about the history of prejudice in Social Studies classes, with specific examples about the fascists in 1930s and 1940s Germany (including Diary of Anne Franke) and the slavery in the Old South along with contrasting that with modern examples of prejudice students see in their every day lives personally would be far more effective than teaching the CRT

if this is true, it shows we need to teach more slavery in schools (just not via CRT or 1619 project)

At minimum black history needs to be incorporated into US education. In history classes for example students should be taught about Pedro Alonzo Nino who was a poc who sailed with Christopher Columbus as a navigator on Columbus's voyage to the Americas.  

History classes should teach students about Chrispus Attucks who was a poc and fought for the US in the American Revolution.  Attucks was the first poc soldier to die in a war. Peter Salem is another poc who should be taught in history classes in schools, he was a poc who was a war hero at Bunker Hill

Other poc historical figures who should be taught in school history classes include Dr Daniel Hale Williams poc who performed the first open heart surgery in the US) and the poc person helped discover the North Pole

If poc didn't read history books from white perspective they would never have dug further to find black history in other places to push for those changes in school curriculums  

School is not perfect but students should salvage and use whatever good they learn from school for good " is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "Parents should also homeschool their children or put them in charter schools if they are worried about their children learning about the CRT"  is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view: "Parents who harass, argue or go after teachers at school board meetings are NOT domestic terrorists or terrorists. Shame on the FBI for demonizing concerned parents by falsely smearing them as domestic terrorists or terrorists. " is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "I am ok with a CRT inspired African Americans 'antiracist' council being created to fight 'racism'.(or at minimum bringing back the Civil Rights Congress).  I feel that is the most effective and uplifting way that African Americans can further make our country more pro African American, since that is changing things from within  (instead of through overkill SJWism, cancel culture, counter productive boycotts, etc). 

Of course the best way is for more African Americans to fight to get on the Supreme Court to better fight against and overcome anti blackness, disproportionate injustices, bigotry and to thus help everyone

So doing those things from within through the CRT inspired African Americans antiracist council (as opposed through being elected to the house where they are targets for lobbying and woke NGOs) would be the least offensive way for them to do that."  is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

If you think this view is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view: "When Joe Biden and other Liberal 2.0ers wrongfully moved the All Star game out of Atlanta they didn’t give a fuck about the African American small business owners . These Liberal 2.0ers use BIPOC when it advances their twisted agenda" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view : "Whites aren’t being persecuted because in Western countries the vast majority of heads of states, *CEOS and members of parliament/Congress are white. So until that isn’t the case whites should shut up about their faux persecution claims. *Though there shouldn’t be CEOs since there shouldn’t be hierarchies or classes or rich people

Whites have continued to see significant improvements in standard of living. Real income has approximately doubled since the early 1970s. Houses are more than 60% bigger, for instance, and have vastly better construction, more amenities, etc."is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly believe that White women should have abortions to ‘end racism’ and or you wrongly believe that this view "White women should NOT have abortions to ‘end racism’.  is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy, sexist/misogynist

You wrongly think this view is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly agree with this woke article and or you wrongly believe being against that woke article is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy, anti science etc

You wrongly think this view "I have never and I will never apologize for being white. There is nothing wrong with being any race or ethnicity. It is equally fine to be any race or ethnicity "is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think that white people are evil due to being white/that whiteness is terrorism and or you wrongly think that people who rightfully say that being white does not make someone evil due to them being white/ that whiteness is not terrorism are racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy for having said view

You wrongly think this view "When we confront these haters we should tell those haters to Give Peace a Chance, we should help liberate those haters from their fear and hate by our presence, we should help those bigots see good in others instead of judging them (by their willingness to do so it will subconsciously bring it forth), we should let our light shine to unconsciously give haters permission to do the same" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "I am glad that AOC wants to deprogram white supremacists as she mentioned here since I want to deprogram such people too and its good she wants to help rather than trash those right wing extremists. But using she wants to use state funding or the state to do it? holy fascism man

AOC wanting to "de-program" white supremacists using state funding and the state concerns me 

Deprogramming is good because it helps white supremacists to leave their white supremacy cults by gradually making them question what they've held true (instead of something more sinister), so it doesn't scare me so much in the end, as long as it is not done via state funding/the state " is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think being against the NAACP basically saying it is ok to hate and use divisive language against whites "From NAACP who made a hiccup: Gerald Griggs, President of the Georgia NAACP also issued a statement saying, “The Georgia NAACP joins the ADL in condemning all forms of hate and divisive language targeted at any minority group.   So according to these people it is ok to target hate at whites ? "   is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "“When I was saying, 'White people go to hell,' I never had trouble finding a publisher. But when I was saying, 'Black and white, unite and fight, destroy capitalism,' then you suddenly get to be unreasonable!"by
Amiri Baraka"  is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "However, I believe there are significant differences between humans (of all races-ethnicities) and extinct species or subspecies of humans from Earth like Denisovan, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo habilis, Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus boisei, Australopithecus sediba, Homo ergaster, and Paranthropus robustus (in the same exact way that Racialists falsely believe that there are significant differences between Whites and Blacks, Asians, Hispanic, and Indigenous peoples).    

I believe that Denisovan, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo habilis, Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus boisei, Australopithecus sediba, Homo ergaster, and Paranthropus robustus were of a difference race than the human race (of all races-ethnicities)" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this view "I am against the National Anthem and all anthems being played at sporting events" is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly think this video by Jacobin titled "The Absurdity of “White Supremacy Culture” is racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly agree with this anti white Tweet and or you think people who are rightfully against that anti white Tweet are racist, fascist, anti black, right wing, serving white supremacy

You wrongly believe that Sweet Tea, Grits and Southern Hospitality/Southern Charm is racist/white supreamcist/anti black etc


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