BAN MCDONALD"S from most countries NOW or I will work In progress

 McDonald's is an evil, globalist, corporation who seeks to AMERICANIZE the world through its junk food which kills people and makes people FAT

Below is a perfect example of how PATHETIC American globalist cultural hegemony and American Corprate cultural genocide is. There shouldn't be McDonald's in Italy, what with Italy's unique culinary history. But the fact that McDonald's tried to open near a historic Roman site is why McDonald's does not belong outside the US/Canada.   Those golden arches are symbols of American conquest through the US being a soft global world power after World War II.  The US went from Manifest Destiny to the Wilson Doctrine and now has morphed into White Man's burden 2.0.

Imagine you are allowed to travel from the US to Italy and you see these beautiful ancient Roman ruins, you feel like you are back in time, seeing some unique sites you can't get anymore, when all of a sudden you see fucking McDonald's golden arches and a drive in? Yep, how exotic and unique, a fucking McDonald's just like in your local shopping center back in the US.   We have to end this cultural genocide by these American corporations. We got to kick out and erase American culture and American corporations from other countries before it is too late. 

I am absolutely glad that McDonald's was banned near that Ancient Roman site. McDonald's being near such a historic unique site perfectly illustrates the global US corporate genocide being done by the US to create American cultural hegemony around the globe which is nothing more than the US being chauvinistic that they are so 'good' all countries have to be like them (the US is actually one of the worst countries on Earth).  That Italy would even consider allowing a symbol of Americanization, White Mans burden/American Manifest Destiny 2.0, US cultural globalization, US cultural globalism etc shows how Italy has been nothing but a vassal state or client state of the US since World War II

The US only entered WWII to flex its savior complex to France and Italy and Germany so the US would be able to dominate those countries culturally after WWII since those countries would be so grateful for the US (even though the Allies would have won without the US being involved since the USSR killed 80 percent of the Nazis), that and the fact those countries were in ruins, made it easy for the US to execute this fascism


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