Queer exmxmsdd


You wrongly think this is homophobic :

If you wrongly support or would wrongly do what these sick, evil, sociopathic attention seeking Twitter trolls did to this graving father who lost his child just because he supported JK Rowling. 

"I support individual persons, whether heterosexual/homosexual/lesbian who are cohabiting/single to be able to adopt children "

You are heterophobic/you believe that being against hetereophobia is homophobic

You 100 percent don't believe gays can be straight and call people who believe that homophobes 

You wrongly believe that hetereosexuality is rape

You are offended with the terms guyfags/girldykes and or call people who use those words homophobes

You wrongly think this is homophobic/bad (like due to being associated w Max Stirner, or for the individuality part of it, or lgbtq going to jail for fighting for other gays etc):

: "I am a supporter of Queer Anarchism. and its social insurrection mission to abolish the state and capitalism with the anarchist ideal of complete individual freedom as a method of liberation for the   LGBTQ community which would then lead to the abolition of homophobia, transphobia, heteronormativity, patriarchy, and the gender binary.

I also love the "Be gay, do crime" slogan.  That slogan is anti neoliberal and anti authoritarian and it implies that gays doing criminal and incivil acts may be necessary to obtain equal rights for gays everywhere (since being gay is still criminalized in many places around the world)  

Queer Anarchists can trace this type of bold method back to the Stonewall riots where gay protestors back then used the same methods to try to obtain equal rights for gays

I also support the Max Stirner inspired brand of Queer Anarchism . I support their notion of (and embracing) radical individualism that is influenced by individual philosophers like Max Stirner. 

In particular I support Queer Anarchists using Max Stirner’s non-systematic approach, radicalism and direct action. I like how queer anarchists organized and played a major role  in the WTO protests and anti-globalization movement.

While I am pro LGBTQ, I feel that LGBTQ rights​ are used by neoliberals and neocons to justify the US and NATO’s imperialism and those neoliberals and neocons are wrong to do that. Imperialism is wrong

For example, Zionists and neoliberals and neocons criticize Palestine for being ‘homophobic’ and for their non gay friendly laws. The neoliberals and neocons use that to justify helping he occupiers (Israel) to oppress (ymmv) the Palestinians. 

There is no liberation without LGBTQ liberation. However, neoliberals forcing pro LGBTQ policies on homophobic countries is bad because it will make the LGBTQ movement be associated with western imperialism.

This will be counterproductive and cause anti LGBTQ sentiment due to the LGBTQ movement wrongly being associated with Imperialism. This will basically violate the West’s do no harm principal in ways the West never imagined in the global south. 

Let’s hope the US adheres to a strict Do no harm principle so maybe this US LGBTQ imperialism won’t backfire on LGBTQ people and won’t be so blatant

Instead we (the left) should work with our global south allies while accepting they might be homophobic at times. 

We can point out to those homophobes it is wrong to be homophobic in our spaces, but we can’t and should not force them to be better while we do show them that we ( the left) will work with them to fight imperialism and that we accept the LGBTQ community etc  "

You think people who are proud to be straight are automatically homophobic 

You wrongly think wanting to destroy imperialism to free LGBTQ people in all countries is somehow homophobic

You wrongly think the gay shame movement is homophobic and regressive

You wrongly think that Suzanna D Walters work on Queer related matters is homophobic/regressive

You wrongly think that  Queer neutrality/queer anti-identitarianism  is homophobic /regressive

You wrongly think saying that the Afro Pessimism provides a better alternative to the Black Feminist standpoint theory's limited alternative to Queer Neutrality/Queer theory is racist/sexist/homophobic etc

You wrongly think this is sexist/homophobic: "I am ok with the lifestyles of straight people and LGBTQ people being out in the open as long as that out in the open behavior is ideally (but not a deal breaker) family friendly (especially no kink, no mass public indecency and no criminal acts)

Personally I am against marriages (straight marriages and same sex marriages) that fall into one or more of the following categories: marriages where the older partners would exploit younger partners, marriages that are due to an excessive, selfish lust that is motivated by desire to consume, unhealthy marriages and marriages where there would be sexual violence

Personally for marriages (straight marriages and same sex marriages) that don't fall into any of these categories,  I am against marriages (straight marriages and same sex marriages) without commitment and that infringe on other people’s rights 

Personally for marriages (straight marriages and same sex marriages) that don't fall into any of these categories, I am other side political post position on marriages (straight marriages and same sex marriages) without commitment but that don’t that infringe on other people’s rights

Personally, for marriages (straight marriages and same sex marriages) that don't fall into any of these categories, I am indifferent to marriages (straight marriages and same sex marriages) with commitment but that infringe on other people’s rights

Personally , for marriages (straight marriages and same sex marriages) that don't fall into any of these categories, I support marriages (straight marriages and same sex marriages) commitment and that don’t infringe on other people’s rights 

I would prefer that all marriages (Civil Marriage, Common Law Marriage and Religious Marriage) were abolished for both straight couples and same sex couples since I believe that marriage is a forced social construct and is state sanctioned ritualistic coupling . Marriage is a sexist and oppressive concept though at times does make some people very, very happy. 

I am generally opposed to the traditional concepts of family, education and gender roles. I am generally opposed to the institution of marriage I feel that marriage stifles individual growth and that marriage is primarily an economic arrangement in that women pays for it with their name, privacy, self-respect, and her very life. 

I see marriage as state sanctioned coupling (marriage for people of all sexual orientations ie straight and same sex) since marriage is as an exploitation at the benefit of others. I believe that people shouldn't have to do a ritualistic things like get married to get benefits like healthcare etc . 

Instead I support non-hierarchical family and educational structures and the abolishment of marriage (when we abolish the state, classes, patriarchy and hierarchies. In a stateless society, romantic partnerships would just be a personal commitment that would be honored and celebrated as the involved parties see fit. That is what marriage should be

Under we abolish the state , classes, patriarchy and hierarchies, I feel we need marriage reform to get us to that point .  I examined whether or not the state/governmental recognition of marriage (i.e marriage for straight couples and same sex couples) is a good idea or bad idea. I realized that the state/government recognizing marriages (i.e marriage for straight couples and same sex couples) is a bad idea.

The state sanctioning marriages is like people are getting married to the state and that is wrong

The state/government wrongly being involved in the marriage industry since forever, lead to the state/government unfortunately doing what they always do: taxing it, regulating it, defining it etc. The government’s involvement in marriage is more proof the state/government does little right. 

I do believe that all Americans of all sexual orientations have a right of contract 

So I want the state/government to stay out of the marriage business because romantic relationships are the business of romantic partners and not business of the state/government or anyone else. 

One way to do keep the state/government out of the marriage business would be through abolishing all current forms of public marriages (Civil Marriage, Common Law Marriage and Religious Marriage) and then legalizing Privatized Marriage throughout the US for both straight couples and same sex couples thus making Privatized Marriage the only legal form of marriage in the US for straight couples and same sex couples. 

This way marriage would be a wholly private compact of no concern to anybody but the couples themselves. Couples would conduct their own marriage ceremony without involving either State or clergy. This would be a personalized, a la carte menu of contractual rights and responsibilities. 

Another way to something like this is to abolish the current marriage system and implement a sort of domestic partnership with free association (for both straight couples and same sex couples). 

Like maybe a legislature can offer a package (for both straight couples and same sex couples) of contractual terms, with no strings attached, and no costs imposed on anyone else, where the acceptance of the terms is completely voluntary

Maybe something like a standard civil union arrangement would still be available for straight couples and same sex couples, but two roommates would share property in common and serve as health care proxies for each other without taking on any additional rights or responsibilities if they did not wish to. 

This could even include polyamorous triads sharing legal rights and responsibility for any children that came of their relationship without our having to go through a protracted political fight over whether marriage should be allowed for more than two people

Basically something like this 

I am ok with the Straight (heterosexual) lifestyle being out in the open as long as that out in the open behavior is family friendly (ie no hetereosexism, no mass public indecency and no sick criminal acts)  

Couples need to stop rushing into marriage. They need to take time to see if they are a match, so if they do get married they do not get a divorce. We need to find ways to get people to marry people they won't divorce, or won't divorce for many decades at worst.

Some people who impulsively get married too quickly get divorced at a higher rate (10%) than people who don’t impulsively get into married too quickly.  Wedlease Marriage is a creative way to fix those issues and lower those higher divorce rates among such married couples

Male patriarchy wrongly allows men to normalize acting like animals in courting women instead of normalizing being respectful and civilized when courting women . We need to abolish the Male patriarchy /patriarchy to normalize respectfully and civilly courting women

Couples who have communication issues should seek marriage counseling to communicate better."

You wrongly think that concerned, good intentioned parents and others being against kids being exposed to drag queens is bigoted, right wing and fascist (and more wrong than agree to disagree wrong)

If you wrongly think being against kids being exposed to this nonsense and this nonsense is bigoted/fascist/right wing and or you support kids being exposed to that junk

If you wrongly think that being against kids going to strip shows and strip clubs is bigoted/right wing/fascist and or you support kids going to strip shows and strip clubs

If you wrongly think supporting banning federal funding for drag shows for kids is bigoted/right wing/fascist and or you are against banning federal funding for drag shows for kids

If you wrongly support removing Queen from the term Drag Queen (i.e to be woke) and or you think people who are rightfully against removing Queen from the term Drag Queen is bigoted/right wing/fascist

If you wrongly think that being against kids doing BDSM or being exposed to BDSM is bigoted/right wing/fascist and or you support kids doing BDSM/being exposed to BDSM

You wrongly think that being against kids being drag queens is bigoted/right wing etc and or you support such things (or at least if you kids being drag queens but not being in beauty pageants 

You wrongly think being against this type of teaching to kids that young is bigoted, right wing/you support said type of teaching to kids that young

You wrongly think this parent's idea in said link is transphobic/homophobic and right wing/wrong  /you wrongly support teaching kids in schools stuff even she would find offensive

You wrongly think that Ron Desantis's 'Don't say gay bill' is lgbtqphobic and authoritarian (at least without doing critical thinking and independent research to confirm it), especially if said law was amended to fix the concerns in this link

You wrongly think this article is lgbtqphobic

You wrongly think that Queer theory is homophobic/transphobic/ regressive

If you think this chapter which critiques the Queer theory is homophobic/bigoted

If you wrongly think that gender acceleration is lgbtqphobic/ regressive, right wing etc

If you wrongly think that Xenofeminism is sexist/lgbtqphobic


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