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You wrongly think that anti capitalists are tankies just by being anti capitalist

You wrongly think that supporting M4A makes you a tankie

You wrongly supported Shontel Brown over Nina Turner knowing that far right ,Islamophobic, warmonger imperialist necon Bill Kristol and his far right neocon ,warmonger imperialist allies supported Shontel Brown and was against Nina Turner in the primaries and or you are against Nina Turner now even knowing that Bill Kristol and his far right neocon ,warmonger imperialist allies are against Nina Turner

You wrongly supported Joe Biden's 'Disinformation' board and or you believe anyone who was against that is a bigot/right winger/conspiracy theory nut/fascist etc

You are anti disinformation/ anti misinformation (i.e you use such terms as your political identity, not that you are against said things)

You wrongly believe that Kristen Gonzalez is a Russian asset /connected to Russia and or you think anyone who rightfully knows that is bullshit is a Putin supporter/Russianbot

You wrongly believe that these leftists or lean leftists: Eric Adams, Margaret Atwood, Krystal Ball, Max Blumenthal, Peter Boghossian,Jamaal Bowman, Michael Brooks ,Ben Burgis, Rachel Cargle, James Carville, Jordan Chariton, Contrapoints, Pete Davidson, Destiny (streamer), Lindsey Ellis, Mike Figueredo, Norman Finklestein ,Ryan Grim, Katie Halper, Eion Higgins, Kali Holloway, BGJ , Ana Kasparian ,Shaun King, Ryan Knight, Kyle Kulinski , Lance from Serfs, Vincent Lloyd, Caleb Mauphin , John Mellencamp, Michael Moore, David Pakman ,Hasan Piker, Pink, Joy Reid, Stephanie Rhule ,Nathan J Robinson, Sam Seder, David Sirota, Jill Stein ,Susan Sarandon, Matt Taibbi, Ritchie Torres, Nina Turner, Cenk Uyghur,  Vaush, Emma Vigeland, Joe Vitliano, Roger Waters, Cornel West , Frank Wilder, Marianna Williamson, Brianna Wu are 'conservative', 'far right', 'right wing', 'fascist' or 'neofascist' or even to right of the New Democrats

You wrongly believe that Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, Jordan Peterson, Rand Paul are 'far right'

You wrongly believe that George W Bush is better than Donald Trump and or you wrongly believe that anyone who rightfully says that George W Bush is as bad or worse than Donald Trump (see War in Afghanistan, Iraq War, handling of hurricane Katrina, homophobic laws, Patriot Act, Islamaphobia including Muslim profiling after 9/11, 2008 financial crash, set the stage for MAGA to exist in the first place etc) is a right wing, MAGA, fascist, pro Russian, tankie, etc

You wrongly believe that Austromarxism is anti semetic/racist

You wrongly believe that Left Libertarian (also Mutualist/Market-oriented left libertarianLeft Wing Free market anarchist-anarchistic socialism [Benjamin Tuckerite]) is as 'bad' as Socialism/Communism and or you wrongly think Left Libertarian (also Mutualist/Market-oriented left libertarianLeft Wing Free market anarchist-anarchistic socialism [Benjamin Tuckerite]) is tankieish 

You wrongly believe that Social Democracy is as bad as 'bad' as Socialism/Communism and you wrongly think Social Democracy is tankiesh

You wrongly believe that Third Way is as bad as 'bad' as Socialism/Communism and you wrongly think Third Way  is tankiesh

You wrongly believe that Paternalistic Conservativism is as 'bad' as Socialism/Communism and you wrongly think that Paternalistic Conservativism is tankiesh

You wrongly believe that the Nordic Model is as 'bad' as Socialism/Communism and you wrongly think that the Nordic Model is tankiesh

You wrongly think that Rosa Luxemberg (including Luxemburgian) was/is a tankie/red fascist /terrorist person/ideology and or you support removing all memorials, namings and monuments honoring her to be removed

You wrongly think that Emma Goldman was a tankie/red fascist/terrorist and or you support removing all memorials, namings and monuments honoring her to be removed


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