
Woke pseudo left used and exploited George Floyd's s overdose death (Anti Equity Aktion)

I am against equity and I believe equity is toxic. I am going to use direct action and harassment to force the US, UK, Australia/NZ and Brazil to ban equity in public sectors and to ban any teachings that promotes equity. The woke psuedo Orleans and B I am against equity and II ooklyn, New York, to rethink their stance on automatically opposing parole requests. The movement has gained momentum in the wake of the national reckoning over racial inequity in the criminal justice system spurred by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody last May.

Only is a sex cult site, ignore it

 I am against the existence of It is another Big tech site that is brainwashing people to further be slaves to monopolistic capitalistic Big evil Big Tech.  Onlyfans is the latest big Tech site to brainwash people to become cultists to their site. It is sick and twisted and wrong to upload content on that site and to access content on it Women who are content creators on that filthy site are whoring themselves out and that is wrong. Prostititon is wrong and the fact that a website like Only fans facilitates such degenerate , demeaning and sexist behavior such as Prostitution is a sign our society is further crumbling into an even bigger pit of madness, sickness and despair Despite what poll sites who are paid by the PR people at Only fans to fabricate their viewer count tell you, the vast majority of Americans have never accessed or uploaded content on Onlyfans. And Onlyfans is  Onlyfans is a globalist plot to degrade cultures outside the West even further and we must sto

Down with the Pro Palestinian trolls

  FUCK the Anti Israel, 'Pro Palestine' trolls, they are anti semetic at times. They are wrong to block off traffic (which prevents emergency services and ruins peoples lives) Doing all that nonsense these trolls do will not stop Israel at all and will only cause people to hate the so called Pro Palestine movement.  For people calling for a 'ceasefire' and peace, they are doing the opposite at home with their hijinkx.

NO to the pop culture industrial complex (work in progress)

  It is so pathetic and wrong that the MSM and pop culture influencers talks about films and tv series like they are talking about holy scripture or something sacred.  It is sad that so many people are brainwashed to collectively en masse watch such media but the fact that we are always told by the MSM and pop culture influencers how great certain films and tv shows are and how we must like them The government's preservation and fallating of film and tv shows is like the government is trying to be like Josef Stalin when he lead the USSR as in telling Americans what films and tv shows they should like . It is nothing but a popularity contest the film regi Media like The Wizard (1989),    ET,  Hey Dude , 

Bourgeois actor Robert DeNiro is filthy rich, I feel NO sympathy for his supposed 'money issues'

Robert Deniro is worth $500 million, he has more money than over 99.9 percent of our country and planet. He has no right to complain about supposed 'money issues'.  He has no money issues Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and suffering due to consumer price index, Donald Trump and Joe Biden's economic system (same system different paint) not doing enough for consumer confidence. There is a homeless crisis in our country, there are asylum seekers and refugees lacking shelter due to migration policies, we have illegal immigrants overwhelming our cities and rising prices up.  Most Americans are struggling financially and Robert DeNiro has hundreds of millions of dollars and he has mansions and everything anyone can want. I speak for all Americans and the world when I say we don't give a fuck about super bourgeois fat cat Robert Deniro's supposed 'money issues' (I.e Deniro not being even richer) “Mr De Niro is 77 years old, and while he loves his c

I am against the way Joe Biden pulled out of Afghanistan and the fact the US occupied that country in the first place

 I am against the way Joe Biden pulled out of Afghanistan and the fact the US occupied that country in the first place  This article admits that the Afghan pull out and 20 year US occupation of Afghanistan by the US were full of mistakes

Stop Anti Jewish hate  This is an anti semetic hate crime and this thug should be charged with a hate crime. His bail should be 100,000 or 400,000 dollars. I will ruin the lives of anyone who disagrees with me